Chapter 14

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Happy Friyay! 

** Kristene's POV **

I let out a yawn as my coffee began brewing. I didn't get any sleep. It was one of my first nights in a while not sleeping next to Danny, and it clearly didn't go very well. Coffee was a must have, otherwise I wouldn't have ever made it through the day.

I threw my breakfast bowl in the microwave and shuffled into my bedroom, where I had forgotten my phone. After I pulled it off the charger, I stuffed it in my pocket and went on my way to the kitchen so I could finally take a sip of that amazing smelling coffee. I leaned in and grabbed my University of Delaware cup, letting the hot liquid burn its way down my throat.

"Ugh. Why are you so fucking good," I mumbled as I placed it down on the counter and moved to the beeping microwave.

Once I pulled my bowl out, I put it down on the counter to cool, and let out a sigh. It was going to be a long day.

As I began shoveling the food into my mouth, my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was probably Danny's normal good morning text that he always sent when he got to the stadium, so I chose to let it go until I finished eating.

After about five minutes, I was just finishing my coffee, and there was another text. I rolled my eyes and pulled it out. This one was the usual text from Danny. 

Danny 6:03
Good morning, Krissy. I love you.

The second one was a text from Vicki. In fact, it was actually a link. I unlocked my phone so I could properly see the text. 

Vicki 5:58
Look what TMZ posted at like midnight.
"Danny Amendola caught shopping at the Jewelers"

I rolled my eyes. Didn't she realize he and Jules went to get Danny's mom something for her birthday? I quickly text back that they went for his mom and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. I'd need to be on the road in ten minutes time.


I let out a sigh as I put the pen down and took a much needed sip from my third cup of coffee. It was only noon, and all I wanted to do was go home and take a nap. Just as I went to pick up my pen again, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I mumbled as I looked up to see Vicki coming in with her lunch. "What's up?"

She put down her salad and water before speaking. "Did you read the article I sent you this morning?"

"You mean the TMZ one you sent," I asked with furrowed eyebrows. "No... I mean... Danny was there to get his mom a necklace for her birthday... I don't know why it's such a big deal... Besides... It's fucking TMZ."

Vicki rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. "You should probably read it... And look at the pictures," she said as she shoved her phone out to me. "And read the last paragraph."

With a sigh I snatched her phone from her hand and began reading it. The cover photo was a picture of Danny looking down at a case. The second was a picture of him looking down at a ring.

Then there was some writing. "Amendola was seen looking at some rings. Like this beautiful ruby and diamond one... Which he walked out of the store with-- below is a photo of it..."

I glanced down to the photo... It was a blurry zoom in of a beautiful diamond and ruby ring that matched the bracelet that he'd gotten me for christmas.

"The ring looks pretty small... If he is getting this for a girl... Based on his salary... He's picking a pretty small one... You may want to try a little harder, Danny."

I rolled my eyes and looked up to meet Vicki's blue eyes. "So what? He got a ring! No big deal," I said with a shrug. "It actually matches the bracelet that I got for christmas."

Vicki sighed. "You don't care? I mean... The Paparazzi are clearly following Danny around," she said giving me a serious look.

"It's no big deal," I mumbled. "So what? We don't do anything out in public at all."

She sighed, but nodded. "Yeah... I guess that's true... Now would you go get your lunch so I am not eating lunch all by myself," she questioned with an eye roll. "I don't get a very long lunch today."

I rolled my eyes as I slid out of my chair and moved out of my office to grab my lunch from the breakroom. When I got there, the gossip queens were back at it. "I can't believe he's going to propose with such a small ring," one of them complained.

"I know! What was he thinking? He gets paid how much? That rings gotta only be like a thousand dollars," the other complained.

I sighed as I shook my head. I grabbed my lunch, threw it in the microwave and waited for it to be heated. "What about you, Kristene? What do you think about the ring he got? Isn't it like really small?"

I turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "I seriously have no clue what you're talking about. What ring and who?"

"Danny Amendola! He got such a small ring to propose with," she shot back with wide eyes. "How have you not seen it? It's the talk of the organization! No one even knew he had a girlfriend!"

I rolled my eyes. "I've been in my office actually working all day. Now if you will excuse me, I need to head back and eat as I do more work," I told her as I grabbed my container out of the microwave and began walking out of the break room.

How could two people be so goddamn nosey about someone's love life?


"So what are we going to do," I asked as I sat down on Danny's couch and pulled a pillow on my lap. "I mean... People were talking about it in the office all day." I pointed out.

Danny sighed as he sat down next to me and let out a sigh. His big brown eyes looked up and met mine. "None of the guys said a word... But... I mean... I think we are still fine. We don't go out in public... I guess I'll just have to take up online shopping a bit more." He shot me a smirk.

I giggled, but nodded. "So what about this ring? I thought you were going shopping for your mom," I said as I tilted my head to the side in question.

Danny shook his head. "Give me a second. I will be right back," he mumbled as I got off the couch and made his way toward his room. First there was the sound of the safe beeping, and then it closed.

He came shuffling back into the living room with a white velvet box. "This was supposed to be a promise ring," he trailed off as he looked down at the closed box in his hand. He looked back up, and his brown eyes were wet. "I know we obviously haven't been together long... But these past three and a half months have been amazing. I fell in love with you probably like a week into knowing you... And god... One day... Once day I will put a real ring on you... But this was just the next step, babe."

He flicked the box open to reveal the beautiful ring. "Danny, its beautiful."

Danny chuckled and nodded. "You're more beautiful though... And now I know you can't wear this... Even on your right hand... But I love you... And I want you to at least have it."

I leaned forward and flicked the box back shut before I crawled up to him, cupped his stubbly cheeks in my hands, and slammed my lips into his.

"I love you, Danny."

*** Thanks for reading! :) 

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