Chapter 5

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** Danny's POV **

"Woah... You mean..." Julian was stood between the living room and the kitchen with his jaw dropped. His blue eyes went from Kris, to me, to Krissy, and to me. He ran his hands through his hair. "Oh my god! Dola! You sly fucking dog! You fucking got her in your bed! Jesus! Now I don't feel bad about kissing Vicki!"

He began pacing as he looked between the two of us ."I-I... Dude! I can't believe it! If anyone else finds out... Holy shit! Kris! I never thought you'd do this! You violated your contract! So did you Dola! No one can find out! I-I... If you do, it's my fault," Julian trailed off as he put both of his hands over his eyes and ducked his head. "Holy fuck! If you get traded, it's my fault!"

"Julian," Krissy said from next to me.

"Dude! I am so sorry! I won't tell anyo-," Julian was cut off by Kris again.

"Julian," she yelled this time.

He instantly stopped pacing and looked up at her with the same wide, blue eyes. "Oh god! What Kris? You could lose your job, too! Oh god! I am so sorry! I will do everything in my power to help you get a job if anything happens! I am so, so sorry!"

"Julian! We didn't sleep together," Kristene yelled with a huff. Julian stopped his ranting again and looked at the two of us with pure confusion. She continued after letting out a sigh. "I got locked out of my apartment last night, and had Danny's number from that time he lost his phone in the locker room... He was the only person that I knew would be awake still, so I called him and asked if I could stay the night because I couldn't contact a locksmith at like midnight." She put her hand on my shoulder. "If it weren't for Danny being a good friend, then I'd probably be sleeping on the floor outside of my door."

Julian looked at us, trying to process everything she'd just said. I nodded. "Yeah, she asked me if she could stay the night... And I sent her my address so she could Uber here," I confirmed. The nervous feeling that was sitting deep in my chest began to wear away as Julian nodded in understanding. "She stayed in the guest room, man... That's it."

"Oh thank god! If you were traded, I have no clue what I would do," Julian finally said as he moved forward and sat down at the island. "I was having a fucking heart attack, man!"

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, man... Oh! I have some extra pancake mix... Do you want a few pancakes," I asked suddenly as I turned around and grabbed one of the plates.

"Oh... Uh..." Julian trailed off as he eyed the two pancakes sitting on the plate. "Yeah... Sure... If you don't mind... I was gonna grab lunch on the way here, but you had me too nervous."

"Well, here ya go, man," I said as I slid the plate to him. I turned and grabbed the next plate and gave it to Kris. "There ya go, Kris." I turned toward the stove to pour a pancake for myself and winked at her.

She shook her head as she grabbed her mug off coffee of the counter and moved to sit down next to Julian. "Oh! The syrup," she said as she hopped down from the stool and made her way toward the cabinet, where she pulled it out.

"You want any Ju-," she cut herself off by noticing that he was completely done with his pancakes. "Well, never mind. You've already finished. You must have been hungry!"

"Well yeah! Thinking your best friend could have been murdered... or that he could be traded really works up an appetite," Julian whined as he threw his head back. "I was seriously having a heart attack."

"Sorry, man. I think I may have left my phone in the pocket of my jacket... So I wouldn't have heard it anyway," I said as I flipped the pancake over and turned back to face them, just as Kris downed the rest of her coffee.

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