Chapter 13

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Surprise update? Surprise update! Enjoy! :)

** Kristene's POV **

Vicki and I sat down at the booth in the coffee shop and took sips of our coffees. "I feel like it's been forever. We've just been way too busy," she said with a sigh. Her blue eyes glanced over at me, happiness swimming in them.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I've been pulled in and out of meetings, and Danny's been so protective. He doesn't really like me going anywhere by myself," I told her. "I love the man, but sometimes just sitting around inside is so damn annoying."

Vicki giggled, but nodded. "I bet! Especially since there hasn't really been any needs for you to take videos of practice for social media," she replied. "There will be starting Friday, though! New Year, same Pats, New Playoff Run!"

I rolled my eyes but nodded. "Yeah, that's very true. I mean I want them to make it far... But I'm just so whipped right now. I really hope I can get a good vacation in after the season is officially over," I mumbled as I took a sip of my coffee.

Vicki nodded. "Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. After the seasons over, it will be so nice... Some less stress... Some change is definitely needed," she pointed out.

I raised an eyebrow in question, but she quickly changed the subject.

"So, your lip is looking good. When do you get the stitches taken out," she asked with an eyebrow raised.

I sighed. "Tonight after work. Danny wanted to go so damn bad, but I wouldn't let him. I guess he decided to hang with Jules tonight instead. I cannot wait to get them out. I've been dying to properly kiss Danny," I replied. "I feel like it's been way too long."

Vicki giggled and shook her head. "Julian's been complaining about Danny complaining that he can't kiss you normally," Vicki said with a roll of the eyes. "Probably complaining about kissing more than your lips, too." She added with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "He's not the only one who misses it. I can't bite my lip like I used to either... When that man walks into the bedroom in just a pair of boxers, its like you just wanna bite your lip and drool at the beautiful sight," I replied almost biting my lip at the thought of Danny's smooth skin on display.

"Oh shut up. I do not need that picture in my mind. The only picture I want in my mind is Julian's thick thighs and beautiful blue eyes," Vicki joked with a long sigh at the end. "Ugh... You know the saying 'thick thighs save lives'?" Her blue eyes glanced up to me in question.

I shook my head. "Well, the saying is so true. Everytime I see him, I just feel like I'm going to die... And then I'm between his thighs, and god! It feels so fuckin' good," she gushed as she threw her head back and let out a sigh. "Ugh!"

I rolled my eyes and gave her an unamused look. "Shut up, Vicki! I don't need to know about yours and Julian's sex life! All I care about is mine and Danny's," I told her with a smirk. "Because, trust me, it's pretty fucking active."

She looked back at me and rolled her eyes. "See. I rest my case... Now let's get back to the office, I've still got some stuff to set up for videos," I said as I picked up my coffee.

** Danny's POV **

Julian looked up at the sign of the store front. "Why are we going here again," Julian questioned as he took a sip from his tea.

"My mom's birthday is coming up and I need to get her a gift. She loves necklaces... So I figured this was where I would come," I told him as I held the door open for him.

Julian nodded as he walked in. "How is your mom? Was she okay with not spending christmas with you," he asked as he turned to look at me-- wide blue eyes full of wonder.

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