Chapter 21

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PATS WON! And Jules is the MPV!!!!
Also, I know this is like 15 minutes before it's actually Monday... But yeah...

** Kristene's POV **

I rolled over and turned my alarm off before looking through my notifications-- praying to not see any type of sign of Danny. It was Tuesday, which meant... It'd been a week since he broke up with me... And two days since he approached me after the game. Despite the encounter rolling over and over in my head-- those beautiful brown eyes and sweat drenched hair-- I didn't know if I could take it.

Each day, it seemed to be much more difficult to get out of bed. My entire world went crashing down when Danny broke up with me, and since then, I put my walls up and kept just about everyone out. Seeing him made something in me shift— Made me realize I couldn't take seeing him, couldn't take being that close to him.

Today was a new day, though. A new day that would probably be filled with depressing shit, and keeping myself focused while taking videos at the practice field. No matter what I did, though, I had to get out of bed— had to face the day ahead of me.

I rolled out of bed and pulled the sheets up so they were smoothed out before standing there and looking at the empty side of the bed. It still hurt to realize I would probably never have the other side of my bed occupied by Danny again.

I shook my head as I went on about my normal routine, like I was on autopilot. The next thing I knew was I was at Gillette, sitting in my office when Stella popped her head in. "Hey Kris... Mr. Kraft wants to see you in his office," she said with a small smile on her face.

"Oh... Uh... Okay... right now?" I asked and got a nod in response. "Alright, I suppose I'll be on my way up right now then."

I closed my laptop and slid my phone into my pocket before getting out of my chair and making my way out of my office. On my way to the elevator, I exchanged a confused look with Vicki, but kept moving because I didn't want to keep Kraft waiting.

My heart was racing. I had no idea what the meeting could be about; Danny and I were done, and there couldn't possibly be anything else he'd want to talk to me about. I was a communications worker— what could it possibly be?

When I got to his office, I knocked on the door and he called to come in, so with a breath, I pushed his door open and walked in.

"Hello Mr. Kraft, how are you today," I asked. I shut the door and moved forward to take a seat in the chair in front of his desk.

"I'm well Kristene, how about yourself," he questioned with a big smile on his face. He was leaning back in his chair, similar to how someone would sit in their chair at the beach.

"I'm okay. Been working a lot lately," I replied with a shrug. "But hey, guess that's the American Dream." Also known as, I need a damn break.

"It sure is, Kristene. Now, I bet you're wondering why I called you in here today," he said, a smile still covering his face.

I nodded. "Yes, I was quite surprised when Stella told me you'd like to see me," I told him, still confused as to why I was asked up to his office.

"Ah... Well... Last week Josh McDaniels brought up the whole incident outside before our last game of the regular season," he said, giving me a caring look. "And I just thought I'd let you know that those papers for a restraining order against Mr. Fuller have been passed... And that I would like to personally pay for the legal expenses to ensure your safety. I spoke with the judge the other day, and he made sure to put your papers at the top of his list-- and he let me know that it was passed about a half hour ago. I just thought, I would let you know myself," he informed. "We've also banned him at the stadium because of obvious reasons." 

I nodded. "Well, thank you for caring, Mr. Kraft. I really appreciate it. I do not know what I'd do if he showed up to the stadium again," I admitted with a sigh. 

He nodded and shot me a smile. "I am glad that you feel safe here. It is one of our top priorities," he pointed out. "I would also like to bring up the fact that you have been working twelve hour days these past three days."

My eyes widened and I slowly nodded. "Uh... That is correct," I said, shocked that he was aware of my many hours spent in my office.

"I have spoken to Stella, and the two of us have agreed that you deserve a late christmas bonus. You've been working extremely hard and we really appreciate it," he said. "Despite the whole situation with Danny, you've been one hell of a worker."

Danny? Oh... Danny... my heart cracked at the sound of his name.

"Oh! Uh... Thank you, Mr. Kraft. I thank you so much, but I do not think I can accept it. I do not deserve such a thing after the situation with... Er... With Amendola and I," I told him. "I do appreciate it... Please know that."

Mr. Kraft pursed his lips, and slowly nodded. "Are you sure, Ms. Pennton? You have displayed tremendous work and dedication to the organization," he said, sounding very much surprised.

I nodded. "Yes sir... I do not deserve it," I told him, with a sigh.

"Well is there anything else I could possibly do for you, Kristene? We love how hard you've been working," He informed with a smile.

I let out a sigh and nodded. "Actually... Yes, there is," I mumbled.

I'd been thinking about it ever since my run in with Danny after the game. My heart was racing, my leg bouncing, and my breathing became uneven. "I've... I've put quite a bit of thought into it... I do not think I can do this job without distraction anymore," I told him. "So... I would very much appreciate it if tomorrow or Thursday could be my last day."

Mr. Krafts eyes went wide, but he let out a sigh. "I do understand your reasons Kristene. But are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yes, Sir, I am."


"Hey Kristene, how are you," Julian asked as he moved in and wrapped his arms around me-- giving me a tight hug. 

I pulled away and shrugged. "Okay, I guess. I'm just glad to finally be out of work when the sun is still up," I said as I moved into the kitchen and sat at the island. "Would you like anything to drink?"

Julian nodded as he walked in and sat down next to me. "Sure. I'll just have a water," he said as he looked back at me-- his blue eyes full of concern. "I can't stay too long."

I moved toward the fridge and pulled out a bottle. "So, how have you been, Julian? I've been stuck in the office lately," I told him as I handed it to him and sat back down.

"Okay, I guess. How have you been? I know the past week hasn't been the easiest for you," he pointed out as he uncapped the water bottle and took a sip.

I contemplated if I should've told him about my meeting with Mr. Kraft... It'd probably be a good idea, especially since Vicki had no clue about it... "Alright... Danny came to talk to me after the game Sunday... I-I... It was weird," I admitted.

Julian gave me an understanding nod. "I'm sorry about that... I kind of encouraged it," Julian said, blushing a bit.

"It's okay," I said as I let out a sigh.

Jules nodded.  "Oh... Uh... By the way I have for a box of your stuff in my car... It's from Dola..." Julian trailed off as he looked down at the counter, unsure of what to say.

"Oh... I wasn't expecting my stuff today...  I'll go grab the box of his stuff  before I forget... He didn't leave much... But he did leave behind his favorite coffee mug and a few clothing items," I told him.

My thoughts began to drift off to those beautiful brown eyes flickering over to me as he'd fold his clothes and I'd be lying in bed. Man-- I was really missing him.

"Okay," Julian said, a sad look taking over his face. "I'm sorry things ended the way they did... He never meant to hurt you, Kristene." 

I shook my head-- I couldn't keep it in. "I-I... Julian... I quit my job with the Patriots today," I finally said. "I couldn't handle another encounter with him."

Julian's eyes went wide. "You what?!"

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