Chapter 27

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** Kristene POV **

"Thank you for meeting with us today Ms. Pennton. We will contact you by the end of next week," Mr. Lloyd said as he stood from his side of the interview table.

I stood up and smiled back as I reached forward to shake his hand. "Thank you. I really appreciate you and the organization agreeing to an interview with me," I told him as I picked up my note pad.

"Your resume is outstanding. You seem to have done a stellar job with the Patriots as well," he replied as we made our way out of the room. He opened the door and held it open for me.

"Well, thank you again," I said, a blush painting my cheeks as I made my way out. I nodded before I stepped out and began walking back toward the hall toward the lobby.

Once I got there, I pulled my phone out of my pant pocket and looked to see if my Uber was there yet. They were, so I made my way outside and hopped into the car. On the way to my building, the sun began to set, causing the beautiful orange and yellow colors of the sky to cascade over the city.

It was such a beautiful night for being February. A solid 43 degrees and absolutely no wind. I was actually debating on going for a walk after I got home and changed into less dressy clothes.

Normally, I'd see if Vicki wanted to take Mel to the dog park, but she and Julian were having a date night. That left me to a night on my own— which honestly, sounded amazing. I was looking forward to having some me time.

As the days without Danny began to get a little easier, it felt like her and Julian were beyond overbearing. I knew they cared, and I knew they meant nothing but the best, but it was getting to be on my nerves. That was another reason why I set up interviews with the Red Sox and the Celtics. A job would keep me busy, and I'd finally be able to keep my mind on something.

When I got to my building, I went straight to the elevator and waited. While I did so, I pulled out my phone to send Vicki a 'have fun' text. When the doors slid open, I stepped in and hit the button for my floor. The doors slid shut and I patiently waited for the ride up to my floor.

The elevator dinged again, telling me we were at my floor. As the doors slid open, I moved out toward my apartment and looked through my purse for my keys. I rounded the corner and looked up toward my door— I was in shock to see a figure sitting there next to it: face in hands and knees pulled up.


As I moved closer to my door, I let my keys jingle in my hand and let out a sigh. "Hi Danny," I said softly as I stood in front of him, looking down at his crushed soul.

He flinched a bit and pulled his hands away from his face. Puffy brown eyes were looking back at me as I squatted to be at his level. His perfectly stubbled face was red and blotchy and his dark hair was sticking up in a bunch of different directions.

I was completely surprised. According to Julian, Danny was supposed to be on a plane to Texas right now— not sitting in the hall outside my door. It broke my heart to see him looking so rough, but at the same time I questioned why he was even there. He shouldn't have been so rough if he was the one that broke up with me.

He didn't say a word. He was just taking shaky breaths as I looked back at him, directly in the eyes. "What are you doing here," I asked softly. Over the month that we'd been apart, I couldn't help but imagine all the things I'd say to him... How I'd show him my anger... But now that I was in front of him, and he looked the way he did, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"I-I... Krissy," he finally spoke, his voice cracking as a sob was shaken from his chest. "I'm sorry. I've spent the last month in my own living hell. I broke your heart... I broke mine... and I'm sorry. I-I failed you." He broke eye contact as he wiped at his nose.

I let out a sigh and put a hand on his knee. "Why don't we go inside and talk," I suggested. "I don't think the hall is the place for this."

After a second, he nodded. I stood up straight and moved to unlock my door. I pushed the door in, and let Danny follow after me before closing it back up and walking over to the radio to turn it off. "Do you want anything to drink," I asked as I placed my purse and keys on the counter.

Danny was already sitting at his normal spot at the island. His brown eyes met mine as he shook his head. Why did he have to look so broken? I let out a sigh as I grabbed a bottle of water for myself and then turned to sit adjacent to him at the island. Once I had it uncapped, I took a sip, and looked at him with both eyebrows raised. "So, what brings you here today, Danny," I asked, not taking my eyes from his brown ones.

He visibly swallowed as he looked down and took a second. "I love you. I love you so much, Krissy. What I did... It was stupid... I had it in my head that you'd find someone better one day, and then you'd hate me because I was what made you quit your job," Danny said weakly. "I thought that..." He took a second to take a deep breath, but I cut him off by placing my hand on top of his on the counter.

"Danny..." Tears were starting to surface in my eyes. "I-I know why you did it... But... I just... Didn't you think you could talk to me about it? You meant... Mean... So much more to me than that job. I love you, Danny."

Danny sniffled as he pulled his hand from under mine, and took mine in his. "I am so sorry, Krissy... I just... I was on my way to Texas today. When I got out to the airport I moved to get out of my car... And that was when I realized something was in my pocket," he said, those watery brown eyes still looking back at me. He moved to reach into his pocket with the hand that wasn't holding mine.

What could be in his pocket? I'd gotten all of my stuff back from Julian. He pulled whatever it was out of his pocket and held it out to me-- My ruby earring... I thought I'd lost it for good. "Y-You've been holding on to it all this time," I asked, my eyes wide as tears began rolling down my cheeks.

Danny sniffled as he shook his head. "I-I..." He took a deep breath, "I was packing my stuff to head home and found it on the ground by the outlet. When I got to the airport, I realized it was still in my pocket. That was when I knew I needed to be here... I needed to finally talk to you. I'd been post poing it for so long... I thought you hated me... Thought that you'd already found someone else... I couldn't take seeing you with another man, Krissy." He was full on crying now, which made me cry.

I shook my head at him and wiped some of my tears away. "I could never hate you, Danny... You're not that easy to get over. I-I... It feels good to finally know why you did it... I just... Do you know how I've felt the past month? I thought it was something I did... I thought you just... Fell out of love with me."

Danny shook his head as he slid off the stool. He pulled me off of mine and yanked me into him. "No, Kris," he cried into my shoulder as I brought my arms up and wrapped them around him.

God, I missed his body heat, his scent, his heart beating against my ear— his everything.

"I could never fall out of love you with, babe... I love you," he whispered tightening his grasp on me. "P-Please take me back... P-Please."

I nodded into his chest as I began to cry harder. "I love you so much, Danny."

The moment y'all have been waiting for?

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