Chapter 26

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Six more chapters and an epilogue!

** Danny's POV **

I zipped up my last suitcase and looked around my apartment. It was gonna be a month until I was back. As much as I loved Boston and football, I was looking forward to going home, taking some time for me-- and possibly even forget about Kristene.

Oh, who was I kidding. I'd never be able to forget her. I knew it would haunt me until I got any type of closure, but I didn't see that happening anytime soon. Kristene had to still hate me, just as much as I hated myself. Deep down, in my heart, I kept telling myself that if I did go to her apartment, she would accept my apology... But my brain kept telling me that my heart was wrong-- that she would give me that disappointed look, and then push me out of the way to go on a date with a new boyfriend.

God... A new boyfriend? My heart hurt at the thought of seeing her in another man's arms— telling another man she loved him. If I ever saw that, I couldn't stand to be in 20 miles radius. All I would be able to think is how bad I fucked up and how bad I'd want to march over there and pull her back into my arms-- where I know she'd be secure and safe.

I shook my head as I sat down at the edge of my bed and looked over to my bedside table, where I still had a framed picture of her and me. I missed that smile of hers. I missed her silky smooth voice. I missed her soft touch after rough games. Most importantly, though, I missed her as as person. In the two weeks since the season finished-- since I fucked up the season-- I didn't do much... Didn't talk to many people.

At least now I would be able to go home and see some old friends, get a break from my life in Boston... Maybe not have Julian on my ass about talking to Kris... About getting out of the house to do something.

Once I was finally able to tear my gaze from the photo of us, I pushed myself off the bed and made my way into the living room to grab some final stuff like my laptop and chargers. Another thing caught my eye as I leaned down to unplug my charger-- a little shimmer. I leaned down further so I could pick it up off of the carpet-- A ruby earring... The one Kris lost when she was over for New Years Eve... When the two of us got a little carried away.

"So, this is where you've been the entire time," I said as I looked down at the little red stone that was hugged by sterling silver. "We spent hours looking for you and you were there the entire time?" I chuckled, remembering how we tore the place apart trying to find it. "Krissy will be so happy whe-" I cut myself... Not only realizing I was talking to an earring, but also realizing that Krissy would probably never get it.

I shook my head as I slid it in my pocket and put my laptop into its bag. My flight was leaving in three hours, I needed to get my shit together and head to the airport.

Once I collected all my stuff, I moved out of the apartment, making sure it was locked and waited for the elevator down the hall. As I waited, one of my neighbors came from down the hall and stood next to me.

When the doors slid open, I dragged my bag in and hoisted the other up on my shoulder. The man followed in after me. "Lobby?" He asked as he pressed the button for the lobby.

"Uh... Actually the parking garage please," I told him, causing him to look toward me.

I met a pair of green eyes. "Woah! Dude! You're Danny Amendola! I didn't know you lived in this apartment building," he said, shocked.

I pursed my lips but nodded at him. "Uh... Yeah... For nearly two years now," I said with a sigh as I watched him press the button for the parking garage.

"That is so cool! I moved here just before christmas," he said with a smile. "I've finally settled in. I swear I work too many hour at t-" he was cut off by the elevator dinging and the door sliding open.

"Well, that's me... It was nice to meet you," I mumbled as I brought my stuff out.

"Thanks man! You too!" The smile on his face only got bigger.

As I turned and made my way toward my car, I couldn't help but wonder why he looked so familiar.


Before I knew it, I was on the road, headed for the airport. I couldn't wait to be home-- couldn't wait until I was finally able to relax without anyone coming over to bother me. This was about to be the most relaxing week I'd had since christmas.

I was broke out of my thoughts by the light turning red. As I stopped I looked around. The next light was where I would have taken a left to get to Krissy's... A right would take me to the airport. Deep in my heart, I knew... I really knew I should have been going to Krissy's, but as the light turned green, I listened to my brain and went right.

After about fifteen minutes and a little bit of traffic, I was finally pulling up to the airport where I would be leaving my car while I was gone. As I jumped out of the car, I leaned just the wrong way and something stabbed me in the thigh.

Confused, I got out of the car and reached in my pocket, only to realize Krissy's earring was in there. I looked down at it and let out a sigh. Krissy... I couldn't go to Texas without seeing her... I couldn't.

I looked up at the man who was about to take my keys and shook my head. "I-I'm sorry... I forgot something at home. I-I need to go," I said as I moved to the back to slam my trunk shut, then jumped in my car and took off.

I needed to get to her, I needed to fix my mistakes ASAP. Luckily, the traffic to hers was a lot lighter than on the way to the airport-- I made it in record time. When I got to her building, I pulled my keys from the ignition, slammed the door, locked it, and made my way up the stair case-- I needed to get to her the fastest way that I possibly could.

With a deep breath, I calmed myself in front of her door and knocked. There was some sound coming from the inside... The TV... The Radio... Something... I didn't know... Nor did I care. All I knew was that I needed to talk to her. I needed to make up for what I had done.

So, without anymore thought, I began knocking. "Kris," I called out as I banged a little harder. "Can... Can you please answer the door? I-I really need to talk to you!"

Nothing. I got nothing. No one came to the door. Did she really hate me that much? Did she? I knocked even harder. "Please, babe. I love you... Please answer. We really need to talk!" Tears began to surface in my eyes.

She wasn't going to answer. She really hated me.

With a final breath and stood there and waited... But nothing. I shook my head. As I leaned against the wall next to her door. "I am so sorry... I never meant to hurt you... I thought I was doing what was best," I mumbled as I began to slide down the wall.

I hit the ground and pulled my knees up. Tears kept falling down my face as I ran my hands through my hair and looked down at the ground.

Kristene really did hate me. She didn't even want to answer the door. Why couldn't I have tried harder earlier? Instead I just left her in the dust.

I lost my everything.

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