Chapter 7

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** Kristene's POV **

I knocked on Danny's door as I shifted the large tin of stuffed Italian shells in my right hand. In the matter of seconds, the door flew open to reveal Danny moving back into his kitchen, quickly.

"Well hello to you, too, Danny." I said with an eye roll. I moved in, kicked off my shoes, and closed the door. The aroma of Danny's amazing garlic-bourbon steak filled the entire place. I put down a plastic bag that I had and moved over to the kitchen. "Jesus, that smells amazing."

"Thank you... That's for tomorrow, right," he asked from the stove, where he was sautéing some vegetables.

I nodded. "Yes it is. I've also got dessert in the bag I put down my the door," I said as I moved back over toward the door to grab the apple pie out of it.

"Okay, you can throw tin in the fridge, and put the pie on the kitchen table. Jules should be here in a half hour," Danny mumbled and looked over his shoulder.

I grabbed the tin and slid it into the already packed fridge and placed the pie on the table, before I sat down on a stool at the kitchen island. I couldn't help but watch his hips sway as he made movements to grab seasonings and utensils. My favorite thing, though, was when he bent down to slide the tray with food on it into the oven. I couldn't help by practically drool— his ass would always be my favorite.

"You okay there, Krissy," he asked lowly as he stood up straight and looked at me with amused brown eyes.

"Huh?" I was pulled out of my own little world. "Oh... Uh... Yeah... you've just got a really nice ass."

He chuckled and shrugged. "So I've been told... Now can you do me a favor and get your ass over here?" He questioned with his arms wide open.

I instantly slid off the stool and moved up to him, giving him a hug. The smell of pine and mint took over my nostrils. "Hi," I mumbled into his sweater. "How are you?"

"I'm great. How are you," he asked into my hair. "It feels like it's been so freaking long."

I pulled away to look up into his eyes. "We saw each other at Gillette! It hasn't been that long," I told him with a giggle.

"It could be two minutes, and it would be too long," he said with a sigh. "Ugh. You're so warm. You know, I love that about you!"

I giggled and nodded. "You're warm, too," I mumbled. "Ugh, your sweater is soft. Do you want me to help with anything for dinner?"

"Do you think you could possibly help me with cutting up the sweet potatoes? I've gotta chop up more onions," he said as he pulled away from me and turned to the ingredients. "The sweet potatoes have already been peeled."

I nodded. "Yeah... I can do that. Do you want them cubed or julienned?" I asked as I pulled from his arms and turned toward the vegetables in question.

"Cubed please," he said as he grabbed the already peeled onion that was sitting there. He grabbed a knife, handed it to me, then grabbed one for himself.


"Dude, the roads are so fuckin' shitty right now," Julian said bursting through Danny's front door. "I fuckin' hate snow!"

I turned from my spot at the kitchen island and began to laugh at him. "Julian, you realize it's barely even snowing right now," I told him as I looked toward Danny's back patio. "It's literally just flurries!"

"Kristene! I wasn't born and raised around here! You're used to the cold! And Danny boy! I have no clue how you're okay with it! You're from Texas, man," Julian said as he kicked his shoes off and threw his jacket to the ground.

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