Chapter 12

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** Julian's POV **

"Hi baby," I mumbled as I pulled the door open. "How are you?" I leaned in to smash my lips into Vicki's.

Vicki smiled as she leaned into my arms while I closed the door behind her. "I'm okay... Just kinda worried right now," she said in a soft voice. Her blue eyes looked up at me, full of concern for her friend. "When Greg and I walked her out to her car, her eyes darted everywhere, terrified that he was gonna find her and follow her."

I nodded in understanding. "She should be okay, now... Danny said he was headed over there after he packed up," I told her.

Her eyes went wide. "What!? Kristene said she didn't want him to go over tonight. She needs some time to herself," Vicki said in shock. "Time to think!"

"Danny was worried sick all game, babe. He needed to make sure she was okay. He was nearly in tears when he came back to the locker room after talking to her," I explained with a sigh. "He loves her."

Vicki sighed, but nodded. "Yeah, he does. And she loves him," Vicki said as she pulled from my arms. "Enough about them, we need to celebrate that game winning touchdown!" She had a smirk on her face as she began to back away from me.

I rolled my eyes as I watched her scurry off down the hall, to my room. "Baby! Why do you run from me like that," I called after her. "We haven't even had dinner yet!"

There was no reply from my room, so I let out a sigh and began running after her. When I rounded the corner into my room, there she was, stripped out of her jacket, shoes, and shirt, and was just in her dress pants and bra.

"Baby! Why run," I asked with a playful pout as I moved closer to her. She didn't say a word, just watched my every move as I slowly made my way toward her. I tore open my dress shirt and leaned down, my hands on her hips as my lips met hers.

Both of her hands carded through my chest hair as I slowly pushed her back into the bed. As I deepened the kiss, her phone began blaring from her jacket on the ground. With a sigh, I rolled off of her and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry Jules... I just gotta take it... Especially with what has been happening with Kris..."

I eyed my rather large erection that was stuck in my pants, but nodded anyway. She slid off the bed and grabbed her phone, furrowing her eyebrows once she saw the number. "Hello," she mumbled as she put it up to her ear and slowly shuffled into the bathroom, closing the door.

I pulled my arms behind my head as I tried to focus on the ceiling. Jesus fucking christ... My situation was getting worse by the minute— fucking cock block. About five minutes after she disappeared to the bathroom, she came out with a large smile on her beautiful face. I sat up and looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Julian... I have some amazing news," she said. Excitement was apparent in her voice as she sat down next to me and grabbed my hand.

"What is it, Baby?" I asked as I met those beautiful blue eyes.

** Danny's POV **

I shifted the car into park, and turned the ignition off. After a few seconds, I looked up at Kristene's apartment building to see if her lights were on.

Back at the stadium, after I found her walking out of the medical room, she told me a bit of what happened, but then sent me on my way to prepare for the game. By half time, she still wasn't out on the field to work, which did not sit well at all. When we went in for half, I couldn't help but check my phone. I needed to make sure my girl was okay.

Luckily, I did have a text from her.

Tony: Stella told me to go home and had one of the security guards walk me back to my car. We'll be filing a report tomorrow.

I let out a sigh, knowing she went home made me feel a bit at ease-- but I was still concerned. She needed rest after what happened. When I texted her to ask if she would like me to go over after the game, I got a simple answer-- No. And that was literally it. N-O period.

It broke my heart to know she was so broken. It hurt to know that she had that happen to her. It killed me that I wasn't there to stop him.

I sighed as I got out of my car and made it up the steps to her building. There was no way I could just let her be. No matter what she said, I'd have to go to hers and make sure she was okay... To stop her from thinking too hard, like she did whenever something bad happened.

Not bothering to wait for the extremely slow elevator, I moved over to the staircase, and made my way up-- two stairs at a time. Nothing could wait, I needed to make sure my girl was okay. When I got to the fourth floor, I yanked the door open, and jogged down the hall to her door.

Without hesitation, I began knocking. After a minute, there was a small voice from inside the appointment. "Go away. I'm busy." Her voice sounded broken. My heart began to crack.

"K-Kris... Krissy, please," I begged as I leaned my forehead against the door. "Please Kristene. I-I need to see you... I need to talk to you," I told her and I brought my right hand and placed it flat on the door, defeated. My nose began to burn, and tears began to pull from my eyes. "Please, babe." My hand slowly slid down the white door and fell to my side. "Please..."

A few seconds later, the sound of the lock sliding made me pull my head from the door. It was soon pulled open, revealing Krissy. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying, the red mark on her cheek was beginning to fade--but looked puffy--, and her lip looked rough. My eyes instantly met hers. "Krissy," I whispered as I shook my head and wiped my tears from my cheek. "I-I..."

I moved in and wrapped my arms around her delicate body. "I am so sorry, babe. I am so fucking sorry," I cried into her shoulder.

"W-Why," she asked into my chest. A small sob shook from her body, causing me to hold on tighter. She began to pull away and looked up to meet my eyes again. "It isn't your fault, Danny."

I shook my head. "If... If I was there, though... Babe... That never would have happened," I told her, my heart hurting.

"I shouldn't have stopped to talk to him. I should have just kept walking," she replied and looked down to her feet. "Are you coming in? I've got a headache and was going to head to bed."

"Yeah... I will come in. You shouldn't be alone right now. That is the last thing you need, right now. And... I just want to make sure you're okay," I mumbled as I back her further into her apartment and kicked the door shut. "Go to bed, I will be right there."

She pulled from my arms and nodded. "Thank you, Danny." Those blue eyes looked back up into mine, and then she began moving back toward her room.

I turned around and made sure the door was locked, before following the small path of light coming from her bedroom. Her door was cracked open just a bit, so I knocked on the frame, making sure she'd be okay. "You can come in," she said, her voice faint.

She was just sliding into bed in her normal bra and underwear.

I began stripping down as I made my way toward my side of the bed. Soon enough I slid in, flicked the lamp off, and then felt her shuffle next to me. "Come here, babe," I mumbled as I leaned back into the fluffy pillows.

Kris let out a soft sigh before her warmth moved over to me. I wrapped an arm around her and practically pulled her on top of me. I dipped down and placed a soft kiss in her hair. "I love you, Krissy," I whispered.

She began shaking in my arms, and hot tears began to pool on my chest.

Tears of my own began to pull from my eyes again.

'Whether she talked back or not, how could anyone do that to a woman?' ran through my head a million times before I could even think about sleep.

White Lie | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now