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even though you hurt me, i still miss you everyday— he left me— it's been 5 months since jin left yoongi

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even though you hurt me, i still miss you everyday

he left me

it's been 5 months since jin left yoongi. he just got out of bed one morning and left. no note, no text, nothing. leaving yoongi confused and heartbroken.

yoongi spent days crying his eyes out in his bedroom looking back at all the memories of him and jin. all the pictures and videos felt like a lie. he gave jin his everything and jin left him.

hobi and kookie have tried countless times to get yoongi out of his bedroom. and each time they failed, because it broke their hearts to see the tears pour out of yoongi's eyes.

so like the amazing best friends they are, they brought yoongi sweets like ice cream and candy everyday.

but today was different, today it would have been their 4th anniversary as a couple. they were supposed to go on a cruise to hawaii for a week, then come back home and relax for at least two days.

but no, today yoongi sat in his bedroom looking through the scrapbook that jin and him had made their first anniversary.

yoongi let out a quiet sob through his lips. all the memories came rushing towards him all at once. he slammed the book shut and threw it across his bedroom, letting out a painful sob.

he had been crying for 10 minutes when he heard the doorbell go off. it couldn't have been hobi or kookie, because they have a key.

yoongi looked down at what he was wearing, which was black booty shorts and one of jin's old t-shirts. he shrugged, not caring what he looked like, and walked downstairs.

he didn't know what he expected but what he didn't expect was two men dressed in all black at his front door.

"min yoongi?" the man on the left asked.

"y-yes?" yoongi asked, his voice quiet because of all the crying he had been doing.

"i'm agent namjoon and this is agent taehyung, we are with the FBI. and we would like to ask you a few questions. may we come in?" both of the men pulled out their badges, flashing them in yoongi's face.

"o-okay, i guess." yoongi opened his door wider to let them in. he walked them to the living room, it was messy as hell since yoongi didn't feel like cleaning and would rather cry.

"i'm s-sorry for the m-mess." yoongi apologized while moving some trash to the floor.

"it's fine, mr.yoongi we only have a few questions and we'll be on our way." agent namjoon smiled.

"p-please, just call me yoongi. and that's okay sir." yoongi sat down on the couch next to them.

"okay, first question..."

whew first chapter done! comment if you liked it or if you think it's trash idc lmao

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