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deep in my heart i know that's its over —i don't wanna hurt you—*three weeks after the phone call*

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deep in my heart i know that's its over

i don't wanna hurt you

*three weeks after the phone call*

it had be three weeks since yoongi called jin, since he said he was gonna come back. yoongi has been scared ever since. his two best friends, hoseok and jungkook, have come to stay with him.  agent tae also had agent namjoon come stay for extra protection.

it was raining today, it had been for the past two days. yoongi had a bad feeling in his stomach for about 5 hours. it felt as if he could feel jin getting closer and closer to him. so he told agent tae and namjoon how he felt.

he knocked on the guest room door then walked in after hearing namjoon say he could enter, they had tons to papers and pictures tossed on the bed. yoongi took a seat in one of the beanbag chairs that was placed in the room.

"g-guys.. i h-have a b-bad f-feeling in my stomach-m. i feel as i-if jin knows w-what's going on. i k-know he would n-never hurt me b-but i'm still s-scared." you could hear how scared yoongi was by the tone of his voice. he sounded terrified.

"yoongi. we promise to make sure nothing happens to you and your friends. we could put you in witness protection, if that would make you feel better. it's not need, but we could set something up for you, jungkook and hoseok." agent namjoon smiled towards yoongi.

"i...i don't k-know." yoongi admitted with a sad sigh. he felt like crying again and agent taehyung could tell, so he walked over and sat down next to yoongi on the beanbag chair.

"hey, we promise to protection you no matter what. you can either stay here with us or you can stay with a random family. it's your choice. i would rather you stay here so i- we can have an eye on you at all times." yoongi nodded after thinking over everything for a while.

"i-i'll s-stay h-here." yoongi stood up and walked to his room, after thanking agent taehyung and namjoon.

*time skip to night time! here comes tea the shisters*

*time skip to night time! here comes tea the shisters*

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