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yugeom, it's time to go—no wanna go!—today was the day that they would be meeting yugeom's mother, min yoonji

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yugeom, it's time to go

no wanna go!

today was the day that they would be meeting yugeom's mother, min yoonji. by the information the fbi found on her, she seemed like a fit mother.

yoongi was still suspicious on why she didn't want to meet up first but taehyung brushed it off.

taehyung, yoongi and yugeom were going to drove to a cafe close by too meet up with her.

at the moment yoongi was having trouble getting yugeom dressed. taehyung just sat on his phone in the living room, not helping at all.

"t-taehyung can you please help me?" yoongi begged as he chased around a half naked yugeom.

taehyung looked up from his phone and looked at the small child running around. he let out a loud and exaggerated sigh as he stood up. he place his phone in his back pocket.

"yugeom!" taehyung shouted which made yoongi and yugeom become silent. "stop running around and sit down, now!" yugeom sat down where he stood and so did yoongi, both of the boys looked up at taehyung with wide eyes.

to taehyung, yoongi and yugeom looked so much a like. both had kitten like eyes and pouty lips. both of them whined when they were bored, they even had the same kind of laugh.

with a chuckle, taehyung stopped comparing the two boys in front of him and looked at yoongi, "what are you doing?" yoongi had then realized what he did and a blush spread over his cheeks.

"s-sorry. yugeom, let's get you dressed." yoongi said in a soft voice and grabbed yugeom hand and led him upstairs to get him dressed.

after all that back at the house, they had finally arrived at the cafe. they were early so they decided to order some food and drinks while they waited.

once they got their food they began eating, yoongi had to feed yugeom because he was such a messy eater. as they were eating two elderly men walked up to them.

"such a cute family you guys have. i love to see open couples and families enjoying their life without being scared of the all the hate in the world." the elderly man with the glasses said.

"i-i'm sorry sir. we're not together." yoongi blushed and looked at the smirking taehyung across from him.

"not yet." taehyung whispered but the two elderly men heard him and gave him a smile.

"well we're sorry to bother you. have a nice day kids." they two men grabbed each other's hands and smiled at the three. the elderly man with the glasses bent down to whisper in taehyung's ear.

"don't wait too long to tell him. if you love that boy, go and get him. don't waste anymore time." he patted his back and flashed the three one last smile before going to sit down with his partner at a table close to them.

the three continued eating, two of the three were thinking about each other, while the other thought about why oranges were called oranges and why bananas weren't called yellows.

as they finished eating taehyung got a call from namjoon. he wiped his mouth with a napkin before answering the phone call.

"what's up, namjoon?" taehyung asked

"she's dead. min yoonji is dead"

ooo cliffhanger teehee
did y'all like the chapter?
pt2 will mostly likely be posted tomorrow or monday
do you think she's really dead?
what do you think will happen to yugeom?
ooo the tea is burning hot isn't it!!
i wanna write a yoonkook book, would anyone read it? bc idk how many people ship yoonkook ???
let me know

 min yoonji is dead"—ooo cliffhanger teeheedid y'all like the chapter?pt2 will mostly likely be posted tomorrow or mondaydo you think she's really dead?what do you think will happen to yugeom?ooo the tea is burning hot isn't it!!&&&&'i wanna write...

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^^^this is how i imagine min yoonji !!

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