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my heart hurts everytime i hear your voice

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my heart hurts everytime i hear your voice.

i called again & you answered again

again yoongi dialed the number. waiting for jin to answer. again 5 seconds felt like 5 hours until he answered.

"yoongi! please tell me this is you." jin cried from over the phone.

"y-yes it's me."

"kitten! i miss you so much. i'm so fucking sorry for leaving you, but i'm sure you understand now."

"you're a-a c-c-criminal." yoongi let out a small sob.

"baby, i'm so sorry. please don't cry. i know what i do is wrong but this is how i make a living. this is how i could buy you everything you ever wanted."

"w-what i want i-is for y-you t-to c-come h-home! i miss you so fucking much! my heart hurts. i have been crying over you for months! i can't sleep without thinking about you. i can't function...without you. even though you left me...i some how still love you. i want you to come back home. please come back home!" yoongi started sobbing at the end of his little rant. agent taehyung sat quietly next to him, rubbing circles on his back.

"yoongi...i'm sorry. but i can't come back." yoongi could hear the sadness in his voice.

"just hang up." agent taehyung whispered.

"who was that?" jin asked, anger clear in his voice.

"i-it w-as no one!" yoongi stuttered, jin could clearly tell he was lying.

"yoongi. i'll ask only one more time. who. the. fuck. was.that.?" jin growled lowly into the phone.

"n-no one i s-swear!" yoongi pleaded again, but jin heard the lie in his voice.

"you know what. maybe i will come back for a little visit. see you soon, kitten." the line went dead.

"oh shit. this is good." agent taehyung cheered.

"n-no it's not! h-he's gonna k-kill you!" yoongi whispered as if jin could somehow hear them still.

"it's okay. i'll call agent namjoon and we'll both be here when he comes. he didn't say when he would come, did he?" yoongi shook his head.

jin was coming back and he didn't know when. yoongi doesn't know if he's ready to see jin again.

double update! this a short chapter also but the next one will be longer.
what do you think jin is gonna do?
do you think agent tae can protect yoongi?
comment how this chapter made you feel!💓

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