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i'm sorry :)—life—three years after jimin's arrest:yoongi and taehyung are now living together, taehyung still works for the fbi and yoongi started working for a children's daycare

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i'm sorry :)


three years after jimin's arrest:
yoongi and taehyung are now living together, taehyung still works for the fbi and yoongi started working for a children's daycare. he says the kids remind him of yugeom.

namjoon is now head of the fbi. he was also devastated by the passing of hoseok, since he never got to tell him how much he liked him. it hurt more once yoongi told him that hoseok also had a crush on him.

namjoon wishes he could have said more to hoseok, he wishes he that he had the chance to kiss him, to hold him, to tell him how much he loved him.

although namjoon is sad on the inside, he hides his pain by working. he puts his heart and soul into every case he gets. he makes sure that he saves everyone. he doesn't want to lose another life.

yoongi has been visiting seokjin in jail.
he's better. he looks healthy. he looks almost happy.

yoongi wishes seokjin the best, but on one visit to what would be the last time yoongi visits, seokjin gives him some valuable information.

yoongi now sat a fair distance across from seokin, who wore an ugly orange jumpsuit and gross white shoes. his hair was done well, as if seokjin actually tried to look good this time.

they sat in silence for a while until seokjin decided to speak up, but in a whisper to make sure no one else could hear them.

"yoongi, i need to tell you something." yoongi looked at seokjin confused but nodded anyway for him to continue.

"listen carefully. in the main bathroom, the one in the main bedroom. there is a floorboard with a heart ingraved in the middle of it. you need to take the floorboard up and in there is 30 million dollars. it's yours." yoongi stared at seokjin with widen eyes.

"3-30 m-million dollars. oh my god. i don't want your dirty criminal money." yoongi shook his head furiously. seokjin shook his head quickly saying 'no no'

"it's not criminal money. it's money before i started...you know. i was going to use it for our wedding but now i want you to use it for anything you want. maybe your own wedding." seokjin chuckled sadly. yoongi nodded and smiled.

"thank you jin." yoongi said sincerely.

"you're welcome." and soon their visiting time was over. and that would be the last time they would see  each other in prison walls.

once yoongi got home he immediately ran up stairs and to the bathroom. he found the ingraved floorboard and pulled it up with all his strength, which wasn't a lot so he had to go get some tools.

yoongi was amazed once he opened the floorboard, seokjin was right because in front of yoongi's face was 30 million dollars, in cash.

yoongi goes through the duffle bag to check and see if anything else is in it. he find a letter, written in seokjin's hand writing of course.

my yoongi,
you deserve everything and more.
i know money can't by you happiness but
money can buy you things that can make you happy.
and that was something i couldn't do,
make you happy.
i'm forever sorry.
love, seokjin

yoongi smiled at the letter and placed it back in the duffel bag. yoongi decides to keep the money. he thinks he deserves it.

time skip: m.yg age 35 and k.th age 38

few years later, taehyung and yoongi have moved out of that house. it held too many bad memories for yoongi. he needed something new.

they did get something new. in fact, two new children. heejun and jeongin. they adopted the two boys two years after living in their new home.

not only did they adopt children, the two men got married. it wasn't a big wedding. all they did was go down to the courthouse, sign a few papers and said their '"i do" s . it wasn't much but it was enough for them.

the family of four were happy together. they spent their days making each other smile.

yoongi was finally happy in life. he didn't worry about someone trying to kill his family or him. he didn't worry about a crazy ex of his coming back to ruin his life...yet

because while kim yoongi was out, living a great life. smiling and laughing with his family.

seokjin was released from jail. the charges were dropped and he was set free because they had nothing to hold against him anymore.

so seokjin walked out of jail with a grin on his face and once thought on his mind.

to find yoongi

this is the end of
fbi agent.
y'all really thought the ending would be happy
i lied my ass off

anyway thank you so much
to everyone who has taken the
time to actually read my trash ass story
i never thought it would get this many
reads and votes and comments!!

i love yall so much,, all of your comments
make me happy except when yall say you
hate me :(
but i still love you uwu
again tysm 💓
check out my other stories.

i feel like i should make a sequel
to this story but idk
it would probably be based on taegi trying
to keep their family safe from seokjin

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