t w e n t y t w o

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‼️trigger warning[i think so]: blood & murder & sadness‼️

cookie?—yoongi had received a text from taehyung saying that he left for work and would be back soon

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yoongi had received a text from taehyung saying that he left for work and would be back soon. yoongi still held a blush on his cheeks as he read the text.

yoongi placed his phone down on his dresser and shivered. he looked to his right and realized that his window was open, which would explain why he felt himself getting colde by the second.

he got up off his bed and walked over the window. he quickly shut it and went to turn around, only to bump into a hard chest.

"jungkook? w-what a-are you d-doing here?" yoongi tried to move from in front of jungkook.

"do you want a cookie? i made them! i know you like my baking!" jungkook pulled out a clear sandwich bag which held some chocolate chip cookies.

"no! y-you need to leave! or else!" yoongi quickly ducked under the arm that holding him against the wall.

"or else what?" jungkook chuckled in a creepy way and started to walk towards yoongi with a weird grin on his face.

"i'll c-call agent taehyung!" yoongi ran to his dresser and seached for his phone. he heard a laugh from behind him.

"you mean this phone?" jungkook lifed his hand to show yoongi his phone. yoongi tried to reach and grab the phone but jungkook threw it against the wall, which made the phone shatter and break into pieces.

yoongi stared at his ex-best friend with wide eyes. without jungkook realizing it, yoongi bolted out of his room and to the kitchen, where there was an house phone for emergency.

yoongi could hear jungkook's footsteps behind him as he ran. as yoongi grabbed the phone, he also ran to the counter and grabbed a kitchen knife.

"stop running away from me!" jungkook shouted as he held yoongi hostage against the counter.

"p-please st-stop kookie."yoongi whimpered as tears began rolling down his cheeks. his back began to hurt because jungkook was pushing him against the counter even more.

"why don't you wanna be with me?" jungkook screamed at yoongi, who only sobbed in response.

"pl-please jungkook, le-let me g-go." yoongi sobbed as jungkook kept pushing him more and more against the counter.

jungkook grabbed something from his back pocket. it was a needle that held a clear substance. jungkook tried to insert the needle into yoongi's arm but he kept dodging it.

"stay still!" jungkook shouted as he tried to concentrate on inserting the needle in yoongi's arm.

jungkook was too busy concentrating that he didn't realize that yoongi had moved the knife he had been hiding. yoongi held the knife to jungkook's side as he continued to sob.

"i'm sorry kookie." yoongi whispered. he pulled his arm back a little bit then pushed the knife into jungkook's side.

jungkook dropped the needle and looked at yoongi with wide eyes. yoongi let out a sob as he watched jungkook drop the ground with his eyes still on yoongi.

yoongi stepped over jungkook with shaking legs, jungkook reached out to yoongi's leg.

"yo-yoongi. he-help m-me. i'm-m so-sorry" jungkook stuttered as blood began to pour out of his mouth.

yoongi ignored jungkook dying on his kitchen floor as he grabbed the house phone and quickly dialed taehyung's number.

"hey, yoongi i'm working right now. you okay?" taehyung asked as soon as he answered the phone.

"t-tae. i-i-i k-killed ju-jungkook." yoongi sobbed into the phone as he stared at the motionless jungkook on his kitchen floor.

"yoongi stay on the phone with me. i'm on my way with backup." yoongi nodded even though he knew taehyung couldn't see him.

"i-if i l-loved h-him he-e w-would still b-be alive-e" yoongi sobbed into the phone. he dropped the phone on the floor and dropped down to his knees as he pulled jungkook's head into his lap.

"yoongi it's not your fault. he wasn't okay inside, you couldn't know that." taehyung said over the phone as he drove wildly to yoongi's house.

"i-im so-o sorry-y, kookie. i'm s-sorry i d-didnt love y-you liked y-you loved me-e." yoongi sobbed softly as he ran his hand through jungkook's hair.

"i-i'm s-so s-sorry." yoongi whispered to the dead man in his arms.

yoongi thought this was the worst feeling ever. he thought nothing could be worse. he thought wrong, this is just the beginning of his heart break.

you have to realize...
something has to be broken before you can fix it.

i'm sorry if any of yall cried
it only gets worse for yoongi before it gets better for him...oOPS

anyway did yall even like this chapter
my self esteem is SO low sksk i think it's tRaSh but whatever.

&& tysm my beautiful people for 40k reads
y'all really are the bEST BITCHES EVER💓

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