t w e n t y o n e

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kiss—"i'm s-sorry what?"  yoongi and taehyung stared at each other with wide eyes

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"i'm s-sorry what?" yoongi and taehyung stared at each other with wide eyes.

"what do you mean jimin is getting out of jail?" yoongi asked and quickly forgot about how he just confessed to taehyung.

"someone paid the million dollar bail and now he's out. i'm so sorry yoongi. that's why i'm here. to protect you in case he comes here." taehyung admitted. he then noticed the tears that started to pour of yoongi's eyes, he pulled him into a tight hug.

"i-i'm so s-scared, taehyung. w-what if h-he tries t-to hurt m-me a-again? i d-don't w-want to go through t-that a-again." yoongi sobbed into taehyung's chest.

"did he physically hurt you?" taehyung questioned.

"w-when we were t-together h-he h-had pushed-d me d-down the s-stairs because-e i had m-met seokjin a-and he t-thought i-i was c-cheating o-on him." yoongi confessed to the fbi agent that continued to hold him.

"i'm so sorry yoongi, i promise to keep you safe. i promise to make sure no one else hurts you. okay? i'm here for you, no matter what." taehyung rubbed yoongi's back in comfort and placed his chin on top of his head.

"t-thank you taehyung. i'm glad i met you. you make me so happy." yoongi mumbled into tae's chest but he still heard him.

"i'm glad i met you too. it probably wasn't the best way to meet you but i'm happy i'm here for you now." suddenly yoongi got a sudden wave of confidence. he took his head off tae's chest and stared into his eyes for a few seconds.

"why are you look-" taehyung chuckled but was cut off when yoongi placed his lips on his. yoongi quickly pecked his lips then pulled away with wide eyes and a deep red blush on his cheeks.

"i-i-i-i'm, ahh, uh, bye!" yoongi stuttered badly then pulled out of taehyung's arms and ran up the stairs to his bedroom.

taehyung sat still on the couch with a blush making its way to his cheeks and a small smile starting to form on his face.

yoongi sat on his bed with his knees pulled into his chest. a blush was still clear on his face and so was a huge grin. yoongi giggled and started freaking out and rolling around in his bed like a child.

he was so excited that he didn't notice the open window, nor did he notice the man that stood silently in his bathroom, waiting for the right moment to attack.

ooo more cliffhangers ksksks
who do you think is the man?? y'all probably gonna be suprised, or not!
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if you ship namgi pls
read my new story
"lol why"

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