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your voice reminds me of all the beautiful moments we had together

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your voice reminds me of all the beautiful moments we had together. oh how i wish you were here.

i called & you answered

yoongi let out a breathe of air he was holding.
with shaking hands he grabbed his cell phone and dialed the number written on the letter.

the phone rang for what felt like hours but was only about 5 seconds. he looked over at agent tae who had a grin on his face. then yoongi heard his voice..

"yoongi? yoongi is this you!" jin's voice was filled with excitement and happiness. yoongi hung up quickly, throwing his phone on the couch next to him.

"what the fuck? why did you hang up?" agent taehyung no longer had a gri on his face, it was replaced with an angry look, glaring at yoongi.

"i-i couldn't-t ta-lk to hi-m." yoongi tried to say through his sobs.

"call him the fuck back! that may have been our one chance to catch him." agent taehyung grabbed yoongi's phone and shoved it in his hands.

"g-get o-out." yoongi cried.

"i'm not leaving until you call him back." agent taehyung growled angrily.

"i-i don't want too!" yoongi cried again. agent taehyung sighed and put his head down. suddenly his head popped up again.

"if you call him again. i will pay your rent and any other bills. for a year! plus i'll buy the groceries for the time i am staying here. is that a deal?" agent taehyung put out his hand for yoongi to shake.

yoongi stared at his hand for a few minutes, thinking through everything. he would need help paying for everything since jin left. he would also have to look for a well paying job soon. so with a deep inhale and exhale, yoongi decided...

"o-okay. i'll c-call back."

short chapter sorry.
omfg tysm for 300 reads! it really means a lot💓
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