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ew a child—he's cute so shut up—it was a stormy saturday afternoon

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ew a child

he's cute so shut up

it was a stormy saturday afternoon. yoongi sat on his couch in the dark watching movies and eating noodles. he had a pink blanket wrapped around his body for warmth.

he wasn't even paying attention to what was on the tv. he felt unsafe right now. two cars have been parked outside his house for three days. they hadn't moved and yoongi was starting to become scared.

so what he did was call agent taehyung and told him about the cars and how he was feeling. the fbi thought it could be jimin and jin's crew or members that were after yoongi so they sent taehyung over to watch over him until they figured everything out.

at the moment, taehyung and yoongi sat on the living room floor playing uno. yoongi had won 5 times and tae had won none, so he was a little pissed.

"how do you keep winning?" taehyung yelled as yoongi won for the 6th time in a row.

"maybe you just suck!" yoongi stuck out his tongue and giggled when tae sent a glare his way

"maybe...maybe you're cheating!" taehyung shouted which made yoongi giggle louder.

they were in the middle of the next round of uno when there was a knock on the door. yoongi was confused and taehyung looked suspiciously at the door before getting up, his hand on the gun in his back pocket.

"did you order anything? any neighbors that would stop by?" taehyung asked as he walked towards the door.

"n-no." yoongi looked scared and looked up at taehyung. the person knocked again, this time more aggressively.

"go hide in your bedroom! and for gods sake, don't come out like last time." yoongi blushed and looked down but followed taehyung command and went up stairs to his bedroom.

taehyung opened the door slightly, only showing half his body. it was a woman on the other side of the door who had a pissed expression on her face.

"who are you? you're not min yoongi?" the woman looked taehyung up and down then looked at him in disgust.

"yoongi isn't here right now. what do you want ma'am?" taehyung tried not to show the annoyance in his voice.

"since seokjin disappeared somewhere, here's his son! i can't take of him anymore and yoongi was the person he said to contact if anything happened. i don't get paid enough for this shit!" the lady moved over a few to show a small boy that had been hiding behind her the whole time.

"his name is yugeom

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"his name is yugeom. please don't send him back." with that the lady walked away leaving a blue suitcase and duffel bag next to the small boy who looked up at taehyung with a gummy smile.

"wello!" taehyung gave the boy a small smile and opened the door wider. he stepped outside and looked around for anything suspicious.

he grabbed the little boy's bag and let him in. he slamed the door shut which yoongi took as a cue to come downstairs.

"is everything o- oh my gosh a child!" yoongi cooed at the little boy.

"wello! i'm yugeom! are chu daddy's boywriend?" yoongi's eyes widen then he asked the boy who his daddy was.

"daddy jin!" yoongi damn neared passed out at the boys answer.

"i'm not your daddy's boyfriend. where's your mother? do you know?" yoongi bent down to be face to face with yugeom.

"mommy gone." yugeom said in a sad voice which made yoongi's heartbreak.

"it's not staying here." taehyung suddenly said which made yoongi gasp.

"yes he is!" yoongi argued.

"he could be a spy. we can't try seokjin" taehyung scoffed

"he's like 2 years old. you can't believe he's a fricking spy." yoongi whisper-yelled at taehyung.

"i've got my eye on you, you little midget." taehyung glared down at the confused yugeom.

"why you acting like a poophead?" yugeom pouted which made yoongi pick him up and balance him on his hip.

"yea tae, why you acting like a poophead?" yoongi giggled along with yugeom.

"oh shut the fuck up." taehyung stormed off into the living room.

"watch your language!" yoongi shouted after him.

ooo seokjin had a child??? that's some tea? who's his mother?? do y'all wanna guess?
lmao but this chapter was shit but lmk if you liked it
tysm for all the reads, votes, and comments💘

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