s i x t e e n

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i'm sad so prepare for a sad chapter woo//grab your tissues sisters 🤧

i'm so sorry —who lives, who dies—"she's what?" taehyung stopped eating, he stood up from the table and walked over to a corner in the cafe

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i'm so sorry

who lives, who dies

"she's what?" taehyung stopped eating, he stood up from the table and walked over to a corner in the cafe. yoongi was confused but strugged it off as he continued to help yugeom eat his meal

"she was murdered in her sleep last night. the person tried to make it look like a sucide but they failed. from the evidence we have, you can clearly tell it was a murder case." taehyung sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair. he about to speak up but namjoon started talking again.

"taehyung, where are you three right now?" taehyung could hear the fear in namjoon's voice

"a cafe, near yoongi's house, why?" he questioned suddenly nervous and scared.

"one of the agents found a letter. it's not in min yoonji's handwriting so it could be from the killer. it says 'the kid is next'" taehyung went silent. he looked over at the two giggling boys who were sharing a milkshake at the moment. then he looked around the cafe trying to find anyone suspicious, then he spotted him.

a man wearing sunglasses, it was dark outside at the moment, he wore a big jacket and a black snapback. he had a menu in front of his face, his eyes were focused on yoongi and yugeom. taehyung's eyes traveled to the mans hand, which was in his pocket.

"taehyung you still the-" taehyung's shut his phone and calmly walked over to the table. he bent down to whisper in yoongi's ear, to anyone else it looked like he was giving him a kiss.

"yoongi. we have to leave right now. there's a man here trying to kill yugeom. stand up quickly and quietly and walk with me till we get to the car." yoongi stared up at taehyung with fear running through his eyes. with a nod he grabbed yugeoms hand and picked him up. taehyung put money on the table for the waiter.

"hey! i'm not fwinished eatin!" yugeom whined when yoongi picked him up and placed him on his hip. taehyung looked back at the man, only to see a empty chair where the man was sitting just minutes before. fear and panic set in and he grabbed yoongi's hand and pulled him outside and speed walked to the car.

they were close, so close to the car. but then taehyung heard a gun cock. a deep voice spoke up from behind them.

"give me the kid. or you all die." the man held the gun towards yoongi and yugeom. taehyung glared at the man and took a step forward. the man focused on taehyung as they both stared at each other.

"put the gun down. you already have threatened an officer, you don't want to fight one either." taehyung put a hand on his hip and smoothly took out his gun and aimed it at the man.

"shoot me and i'll shoot the kid and your man." the man aimed his gun towards yoongi and yugeom. both of them were crying their eyes out. yoongi held yugeom tightly and closed his eyes. he tried to whisper a soothing song to help yugeom but yoongi was a mess himself.

"i said put the gun down. now! i don't want to shoot you but if you leave me no choice i will!" taehyung shouted at the man who cocked his gun and aimed it at yoongi and yugeom. 

the man in black pulled the trigger and shot his gun towards yoongi and yugeom. yoongi tried to use his body to shield yugeom from the bullet.

yugeom let out a ear splitting scream, as did yoongi. taehyung shot his gun at the man's leg , making him fall to the ground in pain as he bled out of his leg.

"n-no. n-no! yugeom!" yoongi sobbed at the small boy that laid on the concrete road.

yugeom had been shot in the side. he was bleeding nonstop. yoongi took off his jacket and tried to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working.

"i-it hurts. i want my mommy!" yugeom sobbed. yoongi grabbed his face and held him tightly in his arms.

"i'm r-right here. yugeom, you're gonna be o-okay. everything is gonna be o-okay." tears streamed down yoongi's cheeks.

taehyung had tears running down his cheeks. the scene in front of him was heartbreaking. after handcuffing the man, he quickly called the ambulance.  he took a seat next to yoongi on the ground.


"m-mommy?" yugeom whispered and looked up at yoongi.

"s-stay alive. okay. i love you. i won't let you leave me." yoongi sobbed at the end

"b-but i'm tired. wanna sleep." yugeom started to close his eyes but yoongi shook him a little bit trying to wake him up.

"n-no. sweetie you can't sleep. not right now. you have to stay awake."

but he didn't. yugeom fell asleep and didn't wake up.

y'all im over here cryin
osmsh i made this chapter so sad
i'm so sorry yall
i'll make it up to you soon

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