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i wish i could forget all the pain you put me through —my jin—"do you w-want a drink? or a snack?" yoongi asked politely with a small smile

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i wish i could forget all the pain you put me through

my jin

"do you w-want a drink? or a snack?" yoongi asked politely with a small smile.

"no" was all agent taehyung responded with again.

"do y-you want me to s-show you the r-room you'll be staying in?" yoongi asked after getting himself a bottle of water. agent taehyung nodded and followed yoongi upstairs to the guest room.

"thank you" agent taehyung gave a small nod, then shut the door in yoongi's face.

"h-how r-ude!" yoongi pouted and walked back downstairs. he plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote for the tv. yoongi flipped through a few channels before stopping on a cooking show.

yoongi barely payed attention to the tv show, instead he looked around the living room of his home. his eyes teared up as it landed on a picture of him and jin.

 his eyes teared up as it landed on a picture of him and jin

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yoongi stood up and grabbed the framed picture of them. more tears slipped out his eyes as he let out a sob, not noticing agent taehyung walk down the stairs.

"hey, um, i was gonna order a pizza, do you want anything?" agent taehyung awkwardly said.

"i-i'll take s-some f-fries p-please." yoongi sniffed then wiped the tears off his red cheeks.

"are you okay, yoongi? did seokjin contact you?" agent taehyung asked while coming over to sit next to yoongi on the couch.

"y-yeah. t-this was his favorite p-picture of u-us."

"his favorite? can i see the picture, is that okay?" yoongi nodded and handed the picture to agent taehyung.

agent taehyung took the framed picture and opened it. he turned over the picture and grinned at what he saw.

"fuck yes!" agent taehyung cheered.

"w-what is i-it?"

"the back of the photo, there's a letter! it says...

my dearest yoongi,
you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. you are the sweetest and kindest boy i ever met.
if you're reading this, you must know who i really am outside our relationship.
i have tried to hide this secret for so long, i wanted to protect you, to keep you away from
all the bad things in life. but it seems i have failed.
i'm so sorry min yoongi, that i have failed you.
i know you wanted to have family, a son and a dog.
but that's not me, that's not the life i want.
BUT if there is a chance you still love me after learning about the real me, then please call the number in the corner.
i hope to hear your voice again.

    your jin

"you have to call the number! this may be our only chance to catch seokjin!" agent taehyung exclaimed.

"i-i dont k-know if i c-can." yoongi said in a quiet voice.

"what do you mean 'you can't'? this is the closest we've come to catching seokjin. yoongi if you love him, you'll call that number." agent taehyung said softly, knowing yoongi was very vulnerable at this moment.

"h-he still l-loves m-me. if i hear h-his voice, i'll b-break d-down again. i-" yoongi felt arms wrap around him and suddenly his head was in taehyung'a chest.

"yoongi, you have to do what's right. if he loves you, he'll understand why you did what you did. just please call the number so we can bring him in." agent taehyung hugged yoongi tightly.

yoongi felt safe in agent taehyung's arms, but his heart still belongs to seokjin. he doesn't know if he should call or not.

calling means hearing his voice again and knowing that he will be put into jail, for life. but not calling means seokjin is out doing god-knows what and hurting whoever he wants.

yoongi doesn't know what to do.

ahh thank youu so much for 100 reads!!
should yoongi call
not call seokjin

^please comment!^

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