e l e v e n~p a r t 2

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i don't love you

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i don't love you...

let's be friends, okay?

"i don't love you...in that way. kookie, i'm sorry but you're my best friend. i swear i love you with my whole heart, but i don't see us dating. please understand, let's just be friends. okay?" yoongi whispered in a soft voice that could barely be heard. but jungkook heard him loud and clear.

"but...yoongi...i've waited so long to tell you this. i was here before seokjin , fuck i was here before jimin. but i let it go because i saw how happy you were." jungkook looked down at the table. yoongi couldn't tell if he was mad or upset. then he looked up and saw the anger in his eyes.

"jungkook, again i'm sorry. i just don't see you that way. why can't we stay friends?" yoongi tried to give a smile but he shrunk back once jungkook sent him a glare.

"friends? you still want to be friends after you just broke my fucking heart?" jungkook shouted which turned heads, which made yoongi remember where they were.

"j-j-jungkook please c-calm d-down. you're s-scarin-" jungkook didn't let yoongi finish, he stood up and grabbed the milkshake that they had been drinking.

"i don't give a fuck. fuck you, yoongi." jungkook poured the milkshake on top of yoongi's head. jungkook didn't care about the sob that yoongi let out or the fact that everyone was staring at the two.

"jimin should have killed you back in high school." jungkook slamed the glass on the table and walked out.

"i wish he did." yoongi sobbed quietly as he took a ton of napkins and dried his face. after he cleaned up as well as he could. he wrote the establishment a sorry letter and left a huge tip.

since jungkook had drove him, he didn't have a ride home. so he began walking in the thunderstorm, wishing that he could just disappear

do yall hate jungkook now?
do you think jungkook overreacted?
let me know what you think!!
&&& tysm for 4k reads,
i really love y'all !

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