t w e l v e~p a r t 2

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i'm fucking tired—then go to sleep—jackson had safety dropped yoongi off at home, not without giving him his number first

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i'm fucking tired

then go to sleep

jackson had safety dropped yoongi off at home, not without giving him his number first.

waiting for him on the steps of his home was jungkook with a single rose in his hands and smile on his face.

"h-hey yoongi. look i'm sorry ab-" jungkook started but shut up when yoongi just walked straight past him. yoongi had an emotionless face and didn't say a word to jungkook, he didn't even look towards him.

jungkook tried to contain his anger but with every second that had passed that yoongi ignored him was getting him angrier.

"yoongi, please talk to-" jungkook was interrupted again which made his eye twitch a little bit. but what yoongi said next made him snap.

"you can shut the fuck up! you left me to walk home, the fucking rain. i don't want to hear your goddamn excuses. i'm tired of you, i'm tired of jimin, i'm tired of jin, i'm fucking tired of everything. so leave me the fuck alone, please!" yoongi shouted but got quiet towards the end of his little rant.

"if you're so fucking tired then go to sleep. i came here to apologize to you and you yell at me?  i fucking hate you, you should be dead by now. why don't you do me a favor and kill yourself so i won't have to worry about you breaking my heart again?" jungkook threw the rose at yoongi's face and stormed off down the street.

"maybe i will" yoongi whispered to himself. he grabbed the rose from the ground and walked into his home.

he walked into the bedroom, the same one him and seokjin used to sleep in, and sat down on the bed while he stared down at the rose in his hands.

did he really have the confidence to kill himself? the answer was no, he didn't.

did he sometimes think about doing it when seokjin left him? a few times when he was really down.

yoongi played with the rose petals and pulled one off.

kill youself

he pulled another one off

don't kill youself

then another

kill yourself

then another

don't kill youself

he kept going until he got to the last rose pedal

kill yourself

yoongi stared at the petals on the ground for a few seconds before he got up and walked to his bathroom. he grabbed the bottle of painkillers that where on his sink countertop.

he walked back to his bed and sat against the headboard. he grabbed his phone and stared at it. he was deciding on calling hoseok but he decided against it, so he texted him instead.

to hoseok:
thank you for being the sunshine in my dark life
i love you

from: hoseok:
awh yoonie
i love you too!
my little angel

from hoseok:
let's hang out tomorrow!
we can go look at the fireworks downtown
and we can get cotton candy! fuck yeah

to hoseok:
of course, see you tomorrow!

yoongi smiled at the text between him and hoseok. he didn't realize he was crying until he saw his tears drop on his phone.

yoongi looked at the bottle of painkillers then at the text messages between him and hoseok. his eyes then looked at the contact picture he had for hoseok, it made him smile at the memories of him and the other

 his eyes then looked at the contact picture he had for hoseok, it made him smile at the memories of him and the other

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yoongi sighed, a very long sigh. he was still considering going through it. but then hoseok texted him again.

from hoseok:
yoonie! remember that i love you so much!
you might be going through a lot of shit right now but always remember i'm here for you.
i will make sure you won't get hurt again.
i promise to always be here for you as long as i'm breathing!
tomorrow is gonna be great!
-luv ur sunshineeeeee
(i just made that up isn't it awesome)

yoongi put the painkillers back after reading the text message from hoseok. and for the first time in a few months, he had a real smile on his face. a happy smile

but he won't be happy for long. remember those two cars that had been following him. those exact cars are parked outside his house. waiting for the perfect moment.
ahh sorry for the sad chapter but it be like that sometimes! && that cliffhanger whew lmao
i hope y'all aren't mad me at!
if i made a m.yg x bts book, would any of you read it? just wondering
comment how this chapter made you feel.

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