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throw it away —you can't throw a child away stupid!—at the moment yoongi and yugeom were playing with yugeom's toys on the living room floor

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throw it away

you can't throw a child away stupid!

at the moment yoongi and yugeom were playing with yugeom's toys on the living room floor. they had figured out that yugeom was 2 years old. and that seokjin took care of him before he dropped him off with a nanny

taehyung was currently typing away on a computer and on the phone with namjoon, trying to figure out who yugeom's mother was. taehyung and namjoon have been trying for at least three hours when suddenly namjoon shouted in excitement over the phone

"did you find her?" tae asked eagerly.

"her name is min yoonji! she is 26 and lives in london at the moment. i have sent her an email and called her to let her know about the situation." namjoon informed taehyung

"thank you! i'll let yoongi know. bye!" taehyung hung up and had a huge grin on his face as he approached yoongi and yugeom.

"why are you so happy?" yoongi looked up at taehyung from the floor.

"we found his mother!" taehyung still held the grin on his face

"really? what's her name? where is she?" yoongi bombarded taehyung with questions

"her name is min yoonji and she lives in london. namjoon has already contacted her."

"wow. hear that yugeom, they found your mommy." yoongi grinned and patted yugeom's head.

"no! no want mommy. want yoonie!" yugeom pouted

"but she's your mother. she has the right to take you back. i'm sorry honey." yoongi pulled yugeom into his lap and held him close

"wanna stay wif yoonie and tae!" yugeom cried into yoongi's shirt.

"look buddy, you're going home with your mother and that's final. so stop all that crying." taehyung rolled his eyes at the crying boy in yoongi's arms

"h-hey! don't be an...a-a-asshole!" yoongi blushed as he cursed and put his hands over yugeom's ears

"whatever. the kid can't stay if his mother wants him back. sorry but that's the law." taehyung sighed

"can we get ice cream? pwease?" yugeom looked up at yoongi.

yoongi cooed while taehyung scoffed at the small boy. yoongi nodded and stood up with yugeom in his arms.

"of course honey." yoongi said happily.

sorry for the short chapter buttt
should they keep the kid
have the mother take him back?
please comment 😭
&&&& go check out my new story called "tinder" it's a m.yg x bts texting story. & i'll be starting that soon!!

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