e i g h t e e n

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gone-after sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chairs for about three hours, taehyung looked over at the tired boy next to him

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after sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chairs for about three hours, taehyung looked over at the tired boy next to him. he had been thinking about a lot ever since he met him.

yoongi, on the other hand, was thinking about yugeom. he hoped the little boy would be okay. he was so nervous about the results of the heart surgery.

the two males sat in silence until taehyung decided to clear his throat and speak up.

"so, yoongi, i was thinking about yugeom..." taehyung started and looked at yoongi, who was staring back at him.

"w-what about him?" yoongi asked as he sat up in the chair.

"so i was thinking...since you have so much going on right now...that i could, you know, adopt yugeom?" taehyung stared at yoongi, who had no emotion on his face.

suddenly yoongi smiled and nodded eagerly. "i was thinking about adopting yugeom also! we could be like co-parents!"  taehyung grinned also and nodded his head.

"i would love that." taehyung jumped back suddenly when yoongi jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. they were interrupted by a voice, that yoongi had recognized.

"hey! it's you!" yoongi turned around and widen his eyes. it was jackson wang, the man who had drove him home after everything with jungkook happened.

"oh.. h-hey." yoongi blushed slightly.

"i never got your name. i'm jackson, remember?" jackson smiled down at yoongi.

"i'm y-yoongi. and yeah, i remember you. what a-are you doing here?" yoongi had noticed the flowers in jackson's hands.

"oh yeah. i'm here to give these to...a kid of my friends. he was in an accident. i'll go put these in his room. see you later!" jackson hurried away and left yoongi and taehyung confused, but they brushed it off after a while.

few hours later, yoongi and taehyung had already ate and was given the news that they would begin yugeom's surgery in a few minutes.

as they waited in the blue hospital chairs, the nurses were preparing yugeom for his surgery. the little boy was still in a small coma and wouldn't wake up until after the surgery.

the nurses left to go set up the surgery room, which left an unconscious yugeom all alone in the room.
jackson walked in and smiled sadly at the small boy in the huge hospital bed.

he opened yugeom's hands. in his left he put two sunflowers and in the right hand he placed a letter, that was written by a special someone behind bars for yoongi.

jackson unzipped his jacket and grabbed the needle that was filled with a weird, clear substance. he then grabbed yugeom's arm and slowly inserted the needle into his arm and watched as the clear substance disappeared into his arm.

"i'm so sorry." jackson whispered. he placed the needle back in his jacket. he quickly and quietly exited at the room.

on his way out he passed yoongi and taehyung, who smiled at waved at him. jackson returned the wave and exited the hospital as soon as he could.

once he was outside, he took out his phone and texted his boss/leader.

to leader J:
yugeom is gone.

from leader J:
great, come back
and you'll get your

jackson sighed and looked back at the hospital one last time before making his way to his car. he drove off, the only thing on his mind was money.

taehyung and yoongi were still sitting in the same two chairs. waiting for any news about yugeom. when suddenly a nurse ran in and called for the two males.

"mr. kim and mr.min, i'm so sorry to tell you think but yugeom has passed. but it's not from the heart. someone inserted some kind of substance into his body. the medical team is doing all they can to figure out what happened. again i'm sorry, i need you guys to follow me this way."

yoongi almost dropped to the ground but taehyung caught him and pulled him into his arms. taehyung dragged yoongi to the room where the doctor sat across from them in a desk.

"what the hell happened?" taehyung asked angrily, although he was saddened deep down.

the doctor nodded and turned the computer around to show the two males the security cameras. yoongi's eyes widen once he saw who was on the screen.

the doctor then reached into his pocket and handed yoongi two sunflowers and a piece of paper. yoongi took the paper and read it carefully.

dear yoongi,
i love you
so much
im sorry it had
to be like this
but you keep playing.
so i had to get your
attention some how

              from J

who's 'J' yoongi wondered. he placed the paper in his pocket and looked back at the doctor.

"i'm sorry about the passing of yugeom. my medical team has never seen a substance like this before. it wasn't a painful death, it seems like he fell asleep." the doctor admitted.

"but he didn't just go to sleep. he died." yoongi cried. taehyung hasn't said a word but he was thinking a lot. he hated to see yoongi like this, a sobbing mess, it broke his heart.

taehyung was ready to do anything to make sure yoongi wouldn't go through any more painful events in his life. it was ready to protect yoongi, forever even.

this chapter IS TRASH SORRY
sorry yall for this late ass update.
ya girl is failing french and english so i had to focus on getting those grades up
&& did y'all like this chapter ;)
who do you think is 'J' any ideas?
tysm for 28k reads. thank you for all of you that likes this trash ass story. yall the real ones *mwah*

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