t w e n t y f i v e

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a date [quick chapter so y'all can have a taste of the tea coming soon!]—"salem! what should i wear? a skirt? or maybe a nice pair a jeans? ugh this is so confusing

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a date
[quick chapter so y'all can have a taste of the tea coming soon!]

"salem! what should i wear? a skirt? or maybe a nice pair a jeans? ugh this is so confusing." yoongi huffed to his cat, who sat on his bed looking at the small boy who was ransacking his closet.

taehyung had told yoongi that he would be here at 7pm to take him on a date, but yoongi decided he could take a nap an hour nap at 12pm which then turned into an 6 hour nap. and now yoongi only had one hour until taehyung would arrive.

finally after 15 minutes yoongi decided on a pink oversized sweater with blue jean shorts that had white hearts in the front, also his pink vans to go with it.

yoongi quickly brushed his teeth and hair. he walked downstairs with salem following him. he gave salem some food and water. by the time he was finsihed everything it was 6:55pm.

at exactly 7pm there was a knock on the door. yoongi eagerly walked over to the door and opened it to be met with taehyung's beautiful smile.

"you ready?" taehyung offered his hand to yoongi who grabbed it with a blush forming on his cheeks.

"yes i am." yoongi grabbed his keys and phone then exited his home. he locked the door and the two walked to taehyung's car.

they both got in, after a little fight because yoongi tried to open the car door himself and taehyung wouldn't let him, then drove off to the restaurant.

the two guys arrived at 'monsta eats', which was a small diner ran by 7 guys.

they were seated quickly and looked over the menu to decide what they wanted. after choosing, they called over the waiter, kihyun and gave him their orders.

as they waited for their food, they talked and laughed together. all that stopped once they received their food and began eating.

as they ate they didn't take notice to the black haired male studying their every move. he wrote down everything they did ever since they walked in.

after the two guys finished eating, they paid for everything and decided to drive around town for a while.

once they got in the car, they started driving to random places in town. the black haired male from before was behind them the whole time, which taehyung took notice of. although he told yoongi not to worry, yoongi was right to be worried.

the boys decided to stop at a crowded place, a street market. they got out and began walking around, trying to get rid of the black haired male that was still following them.

after about 20 minutes of walking around taehyung looked around and didn't see the male anymore. so he thought it was safe for them to go home.

they walked back to the car, yoongi close to crying because he was so scared.

"everything is gonna be okay." taehyung whispered in yoongi's ear as they were about to reach the car

and that's when jimin attacked

oooo jimin is back
sorry for the cliffhanger
but y'all comments are so
funny when i have a cliffhanger

what do you think jimin will do?
maybe a fight?
maybe someone dies?
maybe the book is ending soon?
we don't know
honestly i d k
i make this all up as i go sksks
but i do plan to end
the book soon

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