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i'm here for you—i'm glad you're here—yoongi grabbed his phone with shaking hands and dialed agents number

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i'm here for you

i'm glad you're here

yoongi grabbed his phone with shaking hands and dialed agents number. it ringed for a few seconds to long which made yoongi's anxiety rise higher

agent tae finally picked up in a sleepy voice, which made yoongi realize it was about 3 am

"hello?" agent tae asked over the phone in a raspy voice

"a-agent t-tae. j-j-jimin w-was in m-my house and-"yoongi was interrupted.

"i'll be right there." and he hung up.

yoongi sat still on the couch as he waited for agent taehyung. he had stopped sobbing but tears still ran down his red cheeks. suddenly yoongi saw the red and blue lights of s police car. he heard a car door slam and then knocks on his door.

he got up slowly and went to open the door but before he reached it, it was kicked down by agent taehyung foot. yoongi jumped out the way as tae aimed his gun around the room as he searched from the doorway

"w-what are you doing?" yoongi asked in a quiet voice

"where is jimin? is he still here?" tae fired questions at yoongi.

"he l-left but-"

"fuck! i can never catch him."


"what did he look like? is he still short? is his hair still black? does he have any tattoos now?" tae fired more questions at yoongi.

"agent tae!" yoongi shouted. he felt like crying again.

"what- i'm so sorry yoongi. this case is so stressful and i just want to put jimin behind bars as soon as possible" agent taehyung apologized

"i-i know you do. s-so do i. but w-we have t-to work t-together." taehyung nodded and yoongi continued. " and i want y-you to fix m-my door."

taehyung laugh and nodded with an "okay"

right now taehyung and yoongi sat on the living room couch. yoongi had pulled out a memory box filled with stuff from his relationship with jimin and seokjin.

from tickets to an arcade to a diamond ring, the tickets from his first date with seokjin and the ring is something yoongi found after seokjin took off. he was going to propose, but he decided to start being a criminal again.

as they went through the box, yoongi had a lot of thoughts running threw his head. like the fact that the only two boys he ever loved were wanted criminals. and the fact that jimin promised he would get yoongi back.

those words were still in the front of his mind,
"remember, you'll always be mines." yoongi shuttered at the thought of jimin's creepy laugh.

"hey, you okay? we can stop looking through stuff if you want. it's 6am, we could get something to eat? maybe a diner around here?" taehyung put some stuff back into the box and sat some stuff to the side, probably stuff he wanted to look through.

"y-yeah. i'm g-getting hungry." yoongi stood up and grabbed the box, he walked to the closet that was in the living room and put the box back on the top shelf.

agent taehyung grabbed his keys and coat. yoongi looked down at his outfit which was a pink cropped top with a black kitten on it with a pair of black high waisted shorts plus some black knee high socks and lastly his black and pink nike slides.

"should i change?" yoongi asked taehyung.

"no.. you look... adorable" taehyung smiled down at yoongi which made him blush.

"o-okay, lets g-go"

ahh this chapter was TRASH. but there will be some drama next chapter ooo.

maybe jungkook will appear or maybe jimin? i don't know

i honestly don't know, i make everything up as i go lmao

&& thanks for reading && check out my new story! it's talked 'hate comments' sksk self promoting

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