s e v e n t e e n

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ima make this a happy chapter to make up for the last chapter🤧

everything will be okay—it's all my fault —yoongi and taehyung sat in the waiting room of the closet hospital

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everything will be okay

it's all my fault

yoongi and taehyung sat in the waiting room of the closet hospital. yugeom was currently being treated. the doctors are trying their best to keep him alive.

"do you want a coffee? or a snack?" taehyung whispered into the ear of the small boy who was currently leaning on his shoulder.

"n-no. i'm f-fine" yoongi whispered back. he closed his eyes and tried not cry as he thought about yugeom again.

"hey, it's gonna be okay. the doctors are trying their best." taehyung pulled yoongi closer and hugged him tightly.

"what if their best isn't good enough?" yoongi said in a soft voice that even taehyung didn't hear him. tears rushed down his cheeks and he started crying again.

yugeom didn't deserve none if this

hours later a nurse walked out from the back and walked towards the two men who sat in the back of the waiting room.

"are you kim taehyung and min yoongi?" she asked while she checked a clipboard in her hands

"yes." taehyung replied.

"is yugeom okay?" yoongi asked right away, ignoring her first question

"please follow me, the doctor is waiting to talk to you." the two men got up and followed the nurse to the 'hospital' part of the hospital.

they entered a room with a man who was sitting in a chair not facing them.

"doctor jung, mr kim and mr min are here." she motioned for the two to take a seat and they did.

"hello boys. i'm doctor jung, so we have good news. yugeom is alive, but we also have bad news. when he was shot the bullet scrapped the side of his heart. we are lucky because if it was just a few inches higher he would have died. luckily we were able to keep him alive but from now on he's gonna have major heart problems." doctor jung explained to the two boys in front of him. they both looked shocked at the news they just received.

"w-what kind of heart p-problems?" yoongi questioned.

"well if his heart rate goes too high or too low he could possibly die. but we might have a solution for that." the doctor grabbed some papers from behind him.

"what's the soluton?" taehyung asked eagerly.

"we give him a new heart. i was looking into it. we have a match from a recently deceased. perfect timing, i would say. if you sign the papers allowing us to do the surgery, we can start right away." the doctor handed them the papers.

they looked over the papers and thought about it. it was a no-brainer, yoongi would do anything to keep yugeom alive. even if that wasn't his child own child, he still loved him as if he was his own.

so he picked up the pen, and sighed the papers.

"anything to keep my son alive." yoongi whispered to the doctor as he handed him the signed papers.

"thank you. please return to the waiting room, we will tell you as soon as we are finish with the surgery. i will put my whole heart in this surgery, i see how much his parents love him." the doctor smiled at the two men, stood up and left before they could tell him that they weren't his real parents.

'maybe i should adopt him.' yoongi thought to himself as he took a seat in the waiting room again. he didn't know that taehyung was thinking the same thing.

so now all they had to do was wait

y'all were really mean abt that last chapter
so i did something to make y'all happy
maybe i'll just kill yugeom off again
since yall wanna yell @ me 😤😤
sike but yall was forreal yelling/cryin in the comments lmaoo
thank you so much for 22k reads, i love y'all so much ye ye!!
can y'all guess where they getting the heart from :)
tee hehe

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