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i wish i could delete you from my life—you were always mine babe—today was a saturday

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i wish i could delete you from my life

you were always mine babe

today was a saturday. yoongi still thinks about seokjin and jimin everyday.

agent taehyung and namjoon have been coming over everyday to check on yoongi, to make sure he's okay and well.

hobi and jungkook have also been coming over, jungkook more than hobi for certain reasons. but today, on this dark, rainy saturday afternoon. yoongi was finally alone.

so he took a nice, warm bath with a pink bath bomb. as he soaked in the warm water he thought about seokjin, jimin, and taehyung.

agent tae was hot as hell. like really hot in yoongi's opinion. but it would be wrong to date the man who wants your ex-boyfriends in jail, right?

yoongi took a deep breathe then stood up, stepped out the bathtub, and wrapped at towel around himself then drained the tub and walked out and into his room.

yoongi put on a pair of yellow panties with black shorts over them and a black crop top. he walked downstairs and opened the fridge. he grabbed a water bottle then made his way to his living room.

he plopped himself down on the couch, he grabbed the remote and began flipping through the channels. after a while he decided to watch the reruns of criminal minds that were on.

after the second rerun had came on, yoongi closed his eyes and was out like a light.

yoongi felt fingers running up and down his exposed legs. he could hear the person humming a song that sounded familiar to him.

it was 'wild' by troye sivan. the song brought up horrible memories but also happy memories. but only one person shared that song with him. jimin...

"i know you're awake, yoongi." by now yoongi was physically shaking.

"j-j-jimin." yoongi stuttered, he quickly sat up and backed away from jimin, who had a smirk on his face.

"hello, baby. did you miss me? i know jin visited, but his dumbass got caught. luckily i'm smarter than him." jimin chuckled then reached out to grab yoongi's cheek but he flinched away.

"g-get a-away f—from me. or...i-i'll call t-the c-cops." yoongi went to grab his cell phone from his pocket only to find it empty.

"i told you, i'm smart. no one is around to take you from me, not anymore. and soon seokjin will be gone too, just wait." jimin pressed his lips again yoongi's cheek softly, yoongi tried to pull away but jimin had a tight grip on his waist.

"remember, you'll always be mine." jimin let out a creepy chuckle and stepped out the window, that yoongi had just noticed was open.

as soon as jimin closed the window yoongi let out a loud sob. he fell back on the couch and continued sobbing into his arms.

jimin was back and he wanted yoongi to be his again.

so yoongi did one thing, he called agent tae.

next chapter will be a flashback in yoongi's point of view about his past with jimin & jin!

hope y'all enjoyed this chapter💓

also tysm for all the votes & reads & comments. i love comments, they make my day, even its just one!

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