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wow—yoongi had received a call from taehyung a few minutes ago saying that he will be stopped by to talk

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yoongi had received a call from taehyung a few minutes ago saying that he will be stopped by to talk. yoongi had gotten ready as quick as he could.

he put on a pair of black booty shorts with a pastel blue crop top. along with that he wore some white knee high socks and a black choker.

he was seated in the living room waiting for taehyung to knock on the door. seconds after yoongi took a sip of his water the doorbell ringed, indicating that taehyung had arrived.

after getting over a choking fit, yoongi quickly stood up and went to open the door. taehyung looked down at yoongi with a huge grin on his face.

"h-hi!" yoongi blushed while he looked up at the agent in front of him.

"hello yoonie, can i come in?" without waiting for an answer taehyung just walked in and pushed past yoongi, who was frozen in the door way with a deep red blush on his pale cheeks.

"yoonie?" yoongi mumbled to himself as he closed the door. he decided to shrug it off and went to the living room where taehyung sat, waiting for yoongi.

"so yoongi, there's something i need to tell you." taehyung stared at yoongi with an emotionless face.

"i-uh- i need to t-tell you s-something a-also." yoongi looked towards taehyung with a nervous smile.

"okay well-" yoongi interruped taehyung.

"how about w-we say both our n-news at the same time." yoongi offered and looked at taehyung with hopeful eyes. tae thought for a second before nodding.

they both counted to 3 then blurted out what they both had been keeping in for a while.

"jimin is getting out of jail..."

"i have a crush on you..."

short chapter but i might do a double update!

hope i didn't make anyone angry/upset LMAAOO

soo how do yall feel abt this chapter??

also question!!
i deleted my other stories because i didn't like them a lot but i have an idea i really like but idk what ship to do

so pls vote for a ship!!






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