t w e n t y s i x

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 jimin—"j-jimin" yoongi tried to hide himself behind taehyung as much as he could

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"j-jimin" yoongi tried to hide himself behind taehyung as much as he could.

"hi baby, i've missed you. why don't you come over here?" jimin held out his hand for yoongi.

"he's not going nowhere near you." taehyung glared at the criminal in front of him with anger clear in his eyes.

"he's not yours. he's mine, he's always been mine." jimin took a step forward and went towards yoongi.

taehyung, in defense for him and yoongi, pulled out his gun and aimed it at jimin.

"step back and put your hands above your head" taehyung cocked his gun and waited for jimin to do as he told, but he didn't.

yoongi decided to help out taehyung.
"jimin, please do as he says. i don't want you to get hurt." yoongi lied as he stared up at jimin who was looking him with heart eyes.

as yoongi was distracting jimin, taehyung took out his phone and texted namjoon the situation and for him to bring back up.

yoongi had walked over to jimin and carefully wrapped his arms around him. he hugged him tightly and jimin returned the hug.

"i'm sorry." jimin whispered. he pulled away and kissed yoongi's forehead, who looked at him with a glare.

"sorry for what? for breaking up with me over something so stupid or literally trying to kill me? which is it? or are you sorry because you killed my best friend? huh what are you sorry for? i want to hear you say it." yoongi suddenly exploded at jimin.

jimin stared down at yoongi with a shocked face. yoongi had never raised his voice at anyone or anything.

"tell me! you-you fucking bitch. i hate you so fucking much. you ruined my fucking life. why wouldn't you leave me alone? all i ever did was love you and this is what you do to me!" yoongi yelled at jimin and started punching his chest, even if his punches didn't hurt, his words did. jimin was starting to feel bad.

"yoong-" jimin tried to talk but yoongi continued yelling at him. yoongi had a lot to say. taehyung just smiled proudly at yoongi, who was just suddenly confident.

"you shut the hell up. i'm tired of you. and i'm tired of seokjin. i wish i never met either of you. you both ruined my life. i hope you rot in jail. i hope you rot in hell. i hope you get payback for everything bad thing you ever did."

by time yoongi had finished his rant, the fbi and police had arrived and they all pulled their guns out and aimed them at jimin.

taehyung pulled yoongi back as another officer cuffed jimin and said,

"you won't be getting out this time. we found all the bodies you killed and even some witnesses." the officer walked jimin to a car and put him in the back.

jimin stared out the window, he watched taehyung kiss yoongi on the lips and he felt sad. he felt guilty for everything he ever did to the only person he ever loved.

"i didn't know you could go off like that." taehyung chuckled as they laid down on yoongi's bed.

they had gotten home about thirty minutes ago and settled down in yoongi's bed.

yoongi giggled and replied, "me neither." yoongi nuzzled his head on taehyung's chest and sighed happily.

he felt happy. happy that jimin was finally away for good. happy that he found a man that makes him happy.

yoongi was happy he met taehyung.
and taehyung was happy he met yoongi

jimin is gone yay!!
i'll probably end this on chapter 30
the next 4 chapters will be all
fluff and happiness so don't worry.

&& thank you for those of you
that have read this book
since the beginning. it really
means a lot that people actually
like my trash ass writing.
i appreciate all the votes,
reads & comments
you guys leave me.
i love y'all 💓

check out my new story
"road trip"
it's namgi & it's gonna be
something cute oof

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