Chapter 21: Moving On

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With everything that happened just yesterday, I did predict that I should wake up with excruciating pain but surprisingly, I didn't. And before I can ask myself why, I found out why. Someone had put a super soft pillow on the part where I had my fracture on and I didn't know why I feel so comfy and warm when this room is air conditioned. But whoever did this is really sweet since I know I'll hurt myself on my sleep without it.

Now as I remember it, this warmth I'm feeling up at my back must be Sana. I'm used to her warmth whenever she cuddles in with me, may be on bed or wherever. On the day we've met, she's already doing this to me, so how would I forget this?

I decided to sleep again, this is what I need the most right now. I haven't been sleeping soundly ever since I had been locked in the Attic. And here's sleep offering itself to me. I slowly moved my hands down, careful not to hurt myself.

I found hands wrapped around my waist securely and I know these are Sana's. From her petite hands to even her scent. I know her scent but not what it's made of. I'm thinking it has something to do with the cherry blossoms and something herbal? I'm confused honestly.

I didn't try to move. I stayed on the same position and continued to sleep lightly. And I now miss my own room. I don't like the smell of hospitals that much, but I guess with Sana beside me..

It's at least fine. :)

I shouldn't say this aloud, but she does have uses I'd like. And right now, she's been the best Teddy bear yet, except for my mother. She was irreplaceable, but now that she's gone, I'm thinking she sent Sana to me. And it's not at all bad that she did.

But of course, I won't tell Sana that. Who knows what she'll think wrong and do to me. I already said that she's best when she has her eyes closed.

I know she's trying to have her self control but her hands don't know it. Her hands are almost all over me and I don't want that. Yet? No definitely no. I'm known for not being close with anyone and maybe also known as a terror and famous girl since I am born in a somewhat rich family, and no one dares to go near me on that status yet, but hey, we're talking about 8 girls who dared to, and best of all of those girls, Sana.

I felt someone breath to my neck and I shivered at it. "I see you're awake." She breathed.

"S-sana don't breath on my back or even my neck." I tried to break free from her but knowing that she's more stronger than me, she just pulled me closer. I groaned in annoyance.

"I like how you try getting out of my grasp. It's cute and I just want to eat you up." She chuckled and I blushed. She placed a light kiss on my neck after.

Her lips were surprisingly warm. But of course, she's hugging me so yeah..

"I'm wondering when you'd stop." I mumble.

"Deep down I know you love the things I do." She giggled, holding back a laugh.

"I do, now that's just perfect." I sarcastically said earning me a chuckle from her.

"Do you think that you'll be okay at school today though? No one has informed the students and some teachers yet, since your Dad wants to keep a low profile about what happened." She said, and I raised my brow. "Oh and by the way, Dad and Mr. Chou already hired a therapist too. You should attend so by the end of this week, you'll feel no pain." She said as she hovered over me.

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