It seems...

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       It seems people will only talk to you because they have something you want. If it's either food, money or answers for something. They will only come to you when they are in need of something. Sometimes you give in because when you don't things turn worse because you have more people giving you looks because you wouldn't do something for someone who has connections with many people in your school. Then you see the person and they give you an innocent look like they did nothing even though you know that they did, then you try talking with them and they just find it like an offense and make a big scene sometimes that others begin to interfere and want to "defend" the person. Which then make you look like the bad person when you were trying to make things right. How is it that people only notice you when they want something or want to do something to you? Well, if that happens you shouldn't let them get to you because only you can make decisions for yourself... 

     It seems like no matter how long your friendship has been between you and someone else, sometimes it doesn't matter because they were only nice and caring with you because they wanted something you had. That's the only reason that they had t be near you because they benefited from your friendship. How can it seem that people only care and see for themselves when they are surrounded by people who care about them. They back-stab you when you have nothing to offer them, when your in need of help they don't do anything because they would end up in the crossfire. 

It seems as if nobody sees you, not even your friends. It's like you're invisible, maybe you should do what you were aiming for before and just build a barrier between yourself and others. They just want you to let them in so later on they can crush you from the inside, even if they don't realize what they are doing. It still hurts immensely even if it's unintentionally it will always hurt because you may forgive but, that memory is deep within your mind and it's like you can't get it out of your mind. It just keeps on replaying in your mind over and over and you can't get it out. It is imprinted in your mind because it hurt/hurts you and you may move on from it but, the experience will always be with you... no matter where you go or how much you try to forget it

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