Chapter 2

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2 months later.. me and Kentrell decided and agreed on co parenting so that's what we are doing I bought a bigger house and nisha and ben live here to they helped me get it.

Kaylani POV
I just woke up from king crying. I got up and went to his room and picked him up. I changed his diaper and gave him a bottle and laid him back down. I went to Kayden room next. "Kayden get up we bout to go to ihop yo eat breakfast. He got up and I put him in the tub. Then I got him dressed. I went into my room and took a shower and the got dressed and did my hair.

Then I went to ben and nisha room. "Yo do y'all wanna come to ihop with us" I asked them. "Yeah" the both said they they got up. I went in kings room and got him dressed. By the time I was done with him nisha and ben was ready. "Ima call the gang to see if they wanna come" ben said. "I'm bout to just go I said do y'all wanna come with us not errbody" I said. "Ner' mine I won't call em" ben said. Then we all got in my truck and I buckled the kids in and started driving.

We got to ihop and nisha grabbed king and I got Kayden out. We all walked in the store and I put Kayden down and grabbed his hand. "A table for 5" I said. The person nodded then took us to the table then walked away. "Daddy" Kayden said then ran to Kentrell. He was with his girlfriend that he been dating for 1 month. "Kayden get over here" I said. "Wassup Draco.." he said then dapped ben. Nisha just waved. "Kayden come on" I said. "I wan sit wit dada" he said. "No co-" I was cut off because I had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Nisha came in after me. "Why you been sick lately" she asked puling my hair out my face. "Ion know.. I think I'm pregnant" I said lowly. "Well let's go get a test" nisha said. I nodded.

I washed my hand and wiped my mouth and went back out there. Everybody got there food and we ate. We all got up to leave. "Come on Kayden we leaving" I said to him he was sitting with Kentrell. "No I wan go wit dada" he said starting to cry. "No come on" I said. He shook his head no. "Whatever stay" I said then got king and we all walked out. We got in the car and I got in the back with king and ben and nisha was in the front. "We gotta stop to cvs" nisha told ben. We pulled up to cvs and nisha went in for me. She came out of the store and handed me the bag. She got the most expensive ones because they be accurate she got me three of them and one cheap one. We pulled up to the house and I got king out and me and nisha went to my room. King was downstairs with ben, ben was playing the game.

"Are you ready" nisha asked me. I nodded and went in the bathroom and peed on all of them. I set them down in the coounter and we went back in the room to wait. "I hope I'm not because I dont need no more kids" I said. Nisha just rubbed my back. "If I am I might get an abortion" I said lowly. "You is not bout to get no abortion" nisha said. "I don't need three kids" I said. She shook her head then we walked in the bathroom. We both look at the and the all said positive. I started crying. "Lani it's ok I gotchu" nisha said. "Are you gonna tell Trell" nisha asked. "Yea I have to" I said wiping my tears. "I'm bout to go to Trell house that where everybody at y'all coming" ben came in the room and said. We nodded. I grabbed king and put him back in the car seat and put one of the test in my pocket. We got in the car and started driving. We pulled up to Trell house and I got king out and we walked in.

I didn't see see his girlfriend Aubrey. Everybody Just was staring at me. "Wassup lani" kd and boomer said. "Hey" I said back. I sat on the couch. Then Aubrey walked in the door. "Why she here" she said. Trell shrugged his shoulders. "Kentrell why is your baby mom in the house" she repeated. "It's ok I'll ju-" she cut me off. "Ian ask you to talk" she said. "Whatchu mean Ian gotta get permission" I said with an attitude. Then She came over to me and slapped me. I jumped up and starting beating her ass. She wasn't even getting no hits in. Then I felt somebody pick me up and throw me outside on the concrete.

When the did the I hit my knee and it started gushing out blood. I see that it was kentrell. I started crying. "So you gon throw me out on the concrete" I yelled crying. "You shoulda never said nothing or came over here" he yelled. "I came to tell yo dumb ass that I'm pregnant" I cried then threw the test at him. Nisha and the gang ran out side with paper towel and regular towels. The scrape was little it just have a lot of blood coming out. They wiped in the nisha gave me a band aid. Kentrell just stood there in shock of me being pregnant. "Kentrell gimme my baby" I yelled at him. "No they staying wit me" he said then shut his door. Nisha stood me up. "Can you go get my baby" I asked one of the boys. They nodded. Ben went in there and Aubrey ran out and started attacking me. She started stomping on my stomach.

"Stop I'm pregnant" I cried. "You anit having no baby" she yelled. But she wouldn't stop then Trell came over a pushed her on the ground. He came over to me I was just crying and screaming because my stomach was hurting. He helped me up and started walking me to his house and I felt something wet coming down my legs. I got touched it and I was blood. "KENTRELL MY BABY" I screamed. "What" he said. I stopped walking. "LOOK" I said pointing to may legs. The a whole bunch of tears came down my face. He picked me up and got a towel and set it in his car and hurried and drove to the hospital. The gang got in my truck and followed us. " baby is dead" I said lowly still in shock crying.

I looked at him and I saw that he was crying because it eyes were really red. We got there and he brung me inside and they took me. Everybody just sat in the waiting room.

Kentrell POV
I can't believe what that bitch did. I hope she know it's over with us she just killed my baby. I seen nisha and ben walk in with Kayden and king. She gave them to me. "It's gon be ok"
Nisha said rubbing my back. "Anyone here for Kaylani" the doctor said. I stood up and ran to him. "Hi Kaylani is in her room and she is ok but she did loose her baby, and she said she would like to see Kentrell" the doctor said. We all nodded and then the doctor took me to her room.

I went in there and she was laying on the bed crying. I walked to her and start hugging her and she was hugging me back. I looked at her. "I'm sorry lani I know it's ma fault" I said. She just kept crying. "I'm sorry too" she said. "And I have something to tell you" she said. "I was gonna get an abortion anyway so I'm not that mad" she said. "What no you wasn't" I said. "Well I was think about it" she said. Then there was silence.

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