Chapter 6

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Kaylani POV
I can't believe I just killed someone I am crying and I can't stop. They just put my me in this holding cell. My heart is racing and I am so scared. All these girls in here are staring at me.
30 minutes later....
"Somebody is here to see you" the cop came and told me. I got up and walked out. It was Kentrell I hugged him so tight. "Baby I'm so sorry" I said. "It's ok it not your fault" he said then kissed me. "It's your first charge so tell them it wa self defense and you'll get probably 2-3 years" he said In my ear. I nodded. "Ok I'm so scared" I said crying into his chest. "I know you are" he said hugging me tight. "Ok you time is up" the cop said. "Don't forget what I said" he said loud. "Ok I love you" I said crying. "I love you too" he said then they took me back in there.

1 week later...

Kaylani POV
Today is the day I go to court and get sentenced. "Come on" the cop told me. I got up and they took me to court I got in there and sat next to my lawyer. (Ion know how every thing and court as far as what they say so just go along with it) I saw the whole gang and nisha and Kayden and king in there. "All rise" the cop said. We all stood up and the judge came in and then we all sat down.

"Ok my client will like to plead guilty and self defense" my lawyer said. They talked some more. "Ok since this is your first charge you are getting 3 years. When she said that I looked at Trell then my kids and tears start rushing down my face. The judge hit the Mallot and the cops started taking me away. "Mommmy" draco cried for me. "Bye baby I love you" I cried. Then he ran to me and I gave him a big hug the the cops started pulling me so I let him go and the took me to the back.

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