Chapter 21

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5 months passed.......
Kaylani POV
I am 8 months pregnant now. I am having a girl but we haven't picked a name yet. And trell and Layla are together and he proposed to her and they are supposed to be getting married this weekend. I am one of which bridesmaids too she asked me and I have nothing against her so I am cool with her. I work at a hair Solon under the table since I can't work because of my murder charges I know the boss and she is helping me out and I got my own apartment. I got a four bedroom and the kids are living with me but they still go with Trell and have a room at his house. I now know how to cope without him and learned to live on my own and grow up because it's time that I do. We already had the dress try on session so that's ready and we got shoes. It's me nisha and a couple other girls she know that I kinda know now too because of the session.

Right now I have a appointment to go to. Kentrell hasn't been going to any of the appointments because he is mad at me but I don't know why when he got a whole fiancé now. He only went to the first 2 then he stopped going. He blocked my number too and he has Layla talk to me for him. But I don't really care but communication would be great since we are parents of two soon to be three kids. We didn't have a baby shower but I told people to get me some stuff and they did. Like diapers, girl clothes, little socks, bibs, undershirts, and things and that nature.

My stomach was kinda big now I mean you can tell I was pregnant and you could tell I was about 7 months pregnant but I'm 8. Me and Kentrell don't speak at all that much unless he drops the kids off once in a while which he usually gets Layla to but when he does he gives me a head nod as if he doesn't even know me. When I seen him at the store one day he was with This boy I didn't know but I guess he is another rapper to or maybe they got a new friend. But I said hey and he gon wave and when I came up to him he asked me do I want an autograph or a picture or something. I looked at him like he was crazy and said no and then goodbye and walked away. I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friend. He be sneak dissing in his songs and thing like that but I just ignore it.

But like I said I have an appointment. I just got out the shower and I got dressed and I did my dlat ironed my hair and did my makeup. My hair has been natural ever since Trell took me to get it done I just decided to keep it that way. I got dressed and got the kids ready too and fed that some cereal. Then we got in the car and I drove them to Kentrell house and walked them to the door. He answered the door. "I'll be back to get them I have an doctors appointment to go" I told him. "Nahh take them with you I got somewhere to be" he said waving me off. "Kentrell I have an appointment and I don't have time for this so goodbye" I said then kissed the boys and got in my car and left. I drove to the doctors office and I wrote my name on the list and sat down. They called me and I went back there and she did my ultra sound to see the baby health. Then she asked me a few check up questions.

Then I left and I went to my house because I wasn't gonna get the kids till later because I needed a break.
Two day later......
It's the weekend now. Trell and Layla get married today. I'm at my job but I'm off today I'm getting my hair flat ironed throughly good. When she got some I went to the nail shop and got my nails done.

 When she got some I went to the nail shop and got my nails done

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