Chpter 26

542 12 13

"I needed me a fucking good nigga tho not no I'm just tryna get some nigga" I told him. "You right you right....I was ya first boyfriend" he said laughing. "Nigga I was ya first girlfriend so don't say it like that" I said smirking. "We have this connection like I know everything about you and we can just click like that and I love that" I told him. "We do have a good connection.....I just can't settle down with you Ion know why it's like we do and we be good and then something happens" he said. "Stop thinking about how we could've been a been a couple and think about you and your wife and how y'all are good couple" I told him. He sighed, "I don't know what ima do I'm fucked lani" he said. "What are you talking about" I asked him still laying on his chest. "I-i don't want her ass I want you" he said. I looked up at him fast. "You marry her and then tell me you want me seriously" I said.

"Ion know lani we just have so much history I can't leave you alone.....everybody know that ya first baby mom is the one you always gonna go running back to because she was the realist" he said. I sighed "ok and Kentrell your saying that because" I asked him. Then we heard a knock on the door. He opened it and it was the boys. "Wassup Draco and king what y'all want" Kentrell said letting them in the locking the door. "Mommy" king said running to me. "We wanted mommy" Draco said and came over to me. "Hey baby Mommy missed y'all"!i said smiling and hugging them. King accidentally hit my stitches and I winced in pain. "Y'all don't be rough mommy belly hurt" Kentrell said sitting back next to me. "It's ok they just happy to see me" I said the smiled. "I don't wanna stay wit mommom no more I wanna stay with dada and you" draco said to me.

I looked at Kentrell then back at draco. "You can stay with me or dada not both of us" I told him. "No I want dada and mommy I don't want Layla" king said. "I know baby but me and dada not together any more" I told them. "I'll stay at your house until they fall asleep" he said. "Ok" I told them. "Yayyyy" king and Draco said clapping. "Ok Kentrell you better get back to ya party they gon be looking for you inna while" I told him. "No I wanna spend time with my family" he said. "We are not a family your family is out there and I'm sure she's looking for you" I told him. "Your my second family" he said. "No can't have both you had to choose and you did your chose her" I told him. "What you can do is go out there and tell quando bout me and me and him can be a family" I told him smirking. "Nahh you not bout to be with my nigga quando" he said. "Whatever get out" i told him.

"Come too you needa come speak" he said. "To Who ion know none of them people" I told him. "Ok you can still meet people and some people in there you already met" he said. "Ok I guess but only for a little bit I was lay down my chest hurt a little" I told him. He nodded and helped me up. "Come on boys ya daddy want to mess with me and make you get up" I told them. They got up and followed us out. I walked on my crutches out there. I talked to a bunch of people he was introducing me too. Finally we got to the last person. It was g herbo and this other dude. "Wassup slime" Kentrell said to the boys and dapped them. "Wass gud witchu" g herbo was to him. "Shit...This ma b-friend lani" he told g herbo and I smiled. "Hi" I said then he side hugged me. "What the fuck happened to you" he said. "Long story but I got shot in my chest" I told him. "Ooo and you moving around like that...I did once and I was weak for like a month" he said.

"Oh this my brother from Florida his name Isaiah but errbody call him Izzy" g said. "Hi" I said and nervously waved at him. He was sexy as fuck and I know I looked like a bum right now. "Was good" he said and smiled at me. "Nun how bout you" I said typing to keep my crushing ass from smiling too much. "Ok ima see y'all later slime" Kentrell said breaking the silence. "Iight see y'all" g said. "Lemme get yo number" Izzy said to me lowly. I laughed lowly. "You can have my Instagram" I told him and he shrugged and nodded. I took his phone and put it in and followed myself and then gave him his phone back. "Nice meeting you" I told him about to walk away. "You too ima text you sometime" he said the flashes his smile again.
(Y'all this is Izzy I'm pretty sure y'all know what g herbo look like So Ian gon our a picture of him but here go izzy fine ass😱🤤🤤🤤🤤🥰)

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