Chapter 5

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I went up stairs to go take a shower. Before I did I checked on king and he was still sleep. I went back in trell room and go in the shower. I heard what sound like somebody opening the door but I shrugged it off and kept going with my shower. 10 minutes later I got out the shower and turned it off I went in trell room and heard the front door slam shut so I ran downstairs to see who was here.

No body was down there so I looked outside and I seen a black truck with tinted windows parked arcoss the street pull off. I just locked the door and went back up stairs to trell room and put in some underwear and a t shirt and shorts. Then I went in king room to get him and he was in his crib.

"What the fuck" I said to myself. Then I started looking all around the house. My chest started to feel heavy and I was panicking. I went in trell room and grabbed my phone I started crying to. I called Trell.

Kentrell POV

I just was in the studio and lani was calling me. I didn't answer it the first time but the second time I did. "What lani im recording". I couldn't understand what she was saying. All I could understand was her crying. "Lani im bout to come now" I said and then hung up. "Yo y'all let's go something happened to lani I couldn't understand what she was saying she just was crying" I said then everybody got up and ran out the door. We got in the car and I was doing 50 on a 35. "Yo yb slow down" boomer said.

"Fuck no you'n een know what wrong wit her" I said going faster. We finally got to o my house I turned off the car and hopped out and ran to the door. I unlocked in and I heard lani crying upstairs. I ran upstairs to where she was in my room. "Lani what goin on" I said. "I don't somebody took my baby" she said crying. Her eyes were blood shot red and she was real hot. "Who took him" I said trying to get her to calm down. "I don't know I got in the shower and I got out and I went in her room and he wasn't there" she said still crying.

Everybody ran upstairs into the room. "What happened" they all said. "She said somebody took king when she was in the shower" I said. "Well where they at do you know what car they had" I asked her. "There was a black truck with tinted windows when I looked out the window but they pulled off fast" she said holding her chest. "Come down stairs and stand by the air conditioner" I told her. We all walked downstairs. "Call the cops and tell them" nisha said. "Iight" ben said. He called them and they said they will be looking for him.

"Well the cops are going to be looking for him so I'm bout to go look too"I said. "Nisha stay here with her and calm her down" I said. She nodded and we all went outside and got in the car. We was riding around looking for that black truck. We was riding around for hours and couldn't find it. So we divided to go back home and wait for the cops to give us any reports. When we were going home we rode pass this vacant parking lot that was no longer used. And behind the building we saw a black truck.

We rode behind there and got out and they tried to pull off but boomer hurried and pulled the car in front of them. I got my gun out my pants and bust the window. I looked inside and it was jaliayah and Aubrey and king was in the back crying. "What the fuck do y'all got goin on and why y'all got my baby" I yelled. "Ya dumb ass baby mom needed to learn lesson" Aubrey said. Boomer grabbed Aubrey and joe grabbed Jaliyah.

I told kd yo get king and put him in the back of our truck in his car seat. "You know I should kil both of y'all right now right here" I yelled at them. "You anit gon Do shit" Aubrey yelled. Boomer had her by her hair and I puked his harder and she winced in pain. "So y'all teaming up to try to kidnap my baby" I yelled at them. Then my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it was lani. "Hello" did you find him "Yeah we found him" I could here her starting to cry more. Where he at and where you at "at this empty parking lot Jaliyah and Aubrey was the ones who took him" oh really I'm on my way. She said that and hung up. She want gon find us so I shrugged it off.

I forgot I had my location on so she found us and I saw her pulling up. She got out and was running toward both of them but three stopped her. "You might kill her but you anit gon kill me you still in love with me and you know it" Jaliyah said. "No I'm not" I lied. I looked at lani and she had tears running down her face. "If you anit gon kill them I will" lani screamed. "Let me go three" she screamed at him but he didn't let her go. "We gotta get outta her go head and kill them" three yelled.

I pointed my gun at Aubrey and I was staring at her at first but I shot her in the head and she fell down to the floor. And Jaliyah screamed and started crying. I pointed my gun at Jaliyah and my hand was shaking. "Kill her go head and do it" lani yelled. "Don't do this" Jaliyah said then started crying. "If you won't do it I will now Trell" lani said.

I was about to pull the trigger. "I'm pregnant" Jaliyah screamed out. My eyes got wide. "WHAT" lani yelled. "I'm pregnant with our baby" she cried. I lowered my gun and put it in my pants . "Whatchu doin slat the cops bout to come" three yelled. I didn't say nothing. Lani ran over to my car and got my other gun and shot her right in the head. "Why would you do that" I yelled.

Just then the cops pulled in here fast and got in the car. "Drop the weapon now" one of the cops said to lani. She turned and looked at them and dropped it. "Lani no" I yelled. They came behind her and put hand cuffs on her. "Nah it was me" I said. "No it wasn't" lani said looking down and she started crying. "Any thing you say or do will be help against you in the court of law" they said. They took her and out her in the cop car and pulled off. I started crying to. I got in my car and we all left and went to my house. We got to my house and I went upstairs to ma room and started knocking a bunch of stuff down. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I yelled with tears coming down. Everybody ran up stairs and tried to calm me down.

"ITS MA FAULT I SHOULDA JUST TOOK KING AND LEFT" I yelled. "Calm down maybe she won't get that much time since this her first time" Three said. "Yah and she wasn't gon let you take the blame this ya last strike you woulda got life" ben said. I sat on my bed think about how scared she must be I took king from nisha and layed down with him and I even then fell asleep.

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