Chapter 10

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"I just want it to be peaceful" she said. "It is already" I said pullin her closed. "No Trell you seen what happened last time you did this" she said. "Well don't make no noise and she won't wake up again" he said. "We'll get out and it won't HAPPEN again" she said. "I miss you lani but i can't leave her" I said. "Ok then bye" she said. I just laughed. Then I pulled the cover off because I know she sleep in here panties. I pulled her panties off. "STOP TRELL" she said lowly but sternly.

I shook my head no. "Come on Stop I'm tired of fighting with her" I said. " put ya hand over ya mouth" I said. They I got to work with my mouth. And she started moaning but she did put her hand over her mouth. I was flicking my rouge and spell my name with dat. "Fuck...yes" she said moaning. She was pushing my head down errthing. I knew she wanted it. Then I felt her legs shake and then she cummed and locked up all her juices.

The I came back up and started kissing her. We was both swallowing each other tongues. Then I layed next to her. "I knew you wanted it" I said. She just smirked. "Go kiss ya bitch so she know how ma pussy taste" she said. "Aye Stop call her a bitch lani forreal" I said holding her face. Then she leaned in for a kiss and we started tongue kissing again. And somebody had to walk in the room.

"Aye lani you wan-" ben said. "I'll just come back later" he said then laughed and shook his head and walked out. Then I got up. "Where you going" she said. "Downstairs" I said.she got up and put her panties and some shorts on and cane downstairs too. Layla was still in the room sleep though. We went down stairs and everybody started laughing. "Whatchall niggas was up there doin" kd said. "Yeah What was y'all doin" nisha and boomer said. "She let me taste it" I said then laughed. "Shut up" lani said then hit my chest. Everybody was just laughing. "Y'all need to just get back together" ben said.

Then Layla came downstairs so I hurried and scooted away from lani. "Good morning bae" Layla said then came over and kissed me. Then I seen all of them smirking especially lani. "Aye yb I gotta real question" kd said. We all looked at him. "Both of lani kids look just like you why kamari don't" kd said. "Ion know" I said. "Because he looks like me" Layla said. "Yeah but he anit gon no features of yb" kd said. I just shrugged. "Whatchu tryna say" Layla said. "That he might no be yb kid" kd mumbled. "He is and since you'n think he is let's get a dna test for her kids too since we doin it for his kids" Layla said. "Both of my kids is his" lani said. "We will find out" Layla. "We don't need to to for her kids" ben said. "Why"Layla said.

"Because Kayden looks like exactly like yb and king they already got a dna rest for him when he was born" kd said. "Ok since y'all wasn't this dumb ass dna test we can get in actually today at the clinic where you can get the results right away" Layla said. We all got up and got the kids up and got in the car.

We stopped at McDonald's to feed the kids. We took my truck that had four rows. They are in the car. Lani was all the way in back with king and Kayden. In the row above that is was three,joe,and Montana, and kd. In the row above that in was nisha kamari and Layla and me and ben was in the front seats. We drove to the clinic and we all finished eating and then got out. We all went in there and sat down and me and Layla and kamari went up to the front desk. We signed so paper then sat down. A few minutes later they called us back there and the did the test. Then we all had to sit back down. Then 30 minutes later they gave us an envelope and told us to have a nice day.

We discussed to opened it when we get back home. We all got in the car and drove back to lani house. We got out and we all sat down on the couch and the kids went and started running around and playing. "Ok y'all ready" I said. Everybody nodded.

Kaylani POV
He opened the letter and read it to him self first. Then a couple minutes later he looked at Layla. "Why does this shit say I'm not his dad" Trell said. Everybody gasped. "What lemme See" she said then she snatched the paper from him. She read it. "This is wrong because you were the only guy I slept with" Layla said. "He must not be" kd said. "Get our now and take kamari with you Layla I'm done" Trell said with his hands on his face. "You bout to just abandon me and your son.

"HE NOT MA FUCKING SON AS SHOWN ON THIS PAPER SO GET OUT" he yelled at her. Then she got up and he did too. He grabbed her by her neck and pursued her against the wall choking her like he did me before all this jail shit happened. I ran over there because everybody else was sitting down. "Kentrell STOP" I said then a tear fell down my face. Then I got his hand off of her neck and she ran out with kamari.

"Why did you take my hand off of her" Trell said. "Because that's the same thing you did to me and you was about to kill her" I said. "I'm sorry" he said then he hugged me tight. And I was hugging him back and we started kissing. Then she let go and ran upstairs.

Kentrell POV
I decided to give her time. And I need to think about this. "I told you he wasn't your this fucked up" kd said. "It is fucked up how she gon lie to me and cheat on me" I said. Then I sat on the couch and put my hands on my face. "Dada why k left" draco said. "They had to go play with king" I told him and he did. "I'm bout to go home" I told them. I got up and left and went to my house and fell asleep.
Kaylani POV
I'm leaving tomorrow so I have to pack. Everybody including Trell is over here right now. For what Ion know but I just got done cooking breakfast and everybody eating right now. "This hittin lani" kd said. "Right" ben said. "Thanks" I said.

Then I started walking upstairs. "Whatchu bout to go back to never sleep" nisha said. "No I'm bout to start packing my stuff and kids stuff" I said. "Oh you really is moving" ben said. I sighed then nodded. "Yup I have to it's for the best" I said looking down. "Damn we gon miss you" boomer said. "I'm gon miss y'all too" I said. "You not gon stop her yb" kd said. " anit gon work" he said lowly. I sighed then walked up to my room. I got my two suit cases and put all my clothes in it out my drawers. I put my picture of my Trell and Kayden in it too. Then I went in Kayden and king room and packed all of there stuff. After that I set the bags all in my room. It took me bout an hour to pack.

Then I went in my room and fell asleep.

I just now woke up and it 8:00pm. They all let me sleep this long. I got up and went downstairs and everybody was sitting in the couch watching a movie. "You was sleep for a long time" boomer said. "Yeah I know I thought somebody was gon wake me up but that was a good nap thought" I said. I sat on the couch next to Trell and Kayden and king came on and sat between us.

"Hey y'all" I said. They just started laughing. "Y'all ready to leave tomorrow" I said. "Yeah And dada coming" draco said. "'s just us" I said. "No I wan Dada to come" draco said. "He can't" I told him. Then he started whining. "Stop draco" Trell said then he stopped. A couple minutes later him and king went upstairs to play.

I could feel Trell staring at me. I looked at him and he was I just smiled at him. And he smiled back. I was really second guessing leaving Forreal. But I don't know we finished the movie and ordered Chinese food. I fed the kids and then I put them in the bed and now they sleep.

I walked into my room and I layed down and Trell came in and layed down next to me. "I just want to hold you for the last time" he said. I just looked at him and turned back around and he held me tight. And we eventually fell asleep.

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