Chapter 7

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3 years later....
Kentrell POV
I have been take Kayden up there to see lani but not king she said she doesn't want him to see her in there. Kayden is 4 now and king is 3. He doesn't really know her like that. I have a new girlfriend her name is Layla and she knows about lani and she understands. We had a baby too his name is kamari. King is always calling her mommy but I tell him all the time that's not his mommy but he still calls her mommy.

At first Kayden was crying everyday for her but he eventually stopped but he doesn't call Layla mom. I just woke up and I went downstairs and Layla was cooking breakfast. "Hey bae Good mornin" I said kissing her and hugging her from behind. "Good morning baby" she said back and kissed me.

I took my plate and went to the table with Kayden, Kamari and king. "Draco and king guess what" I told him. "Mommy gets to come home on Friday" I said. "Yayyy I miss her" draco said. "Mommy is in the kitchen" king said. "King what I tell you your real mom coming don't you wan see her" I asked him.

"No I don't wan a new mommy" he said. I just shook my head. "Is mommy moving back here" draco asked me. "No she gon move back in her old house" I told him. "No why she can't live here" draco said. "Because she not my girlfriend any more" I told him. "You got a new girlfriend because mommy went to jail" draco said looking at me. "No Draco just eat" I said then I finished eating. Somebody knocked on the door and it was the gang. "Wassup yb" they all said.

"Hey Layla" they all said. "Wasup" she said. "Guess who mufuckin best friend getting out on Friday" nisha said doin a little twerk. They all laughed and sat on the couch. "I can't wait till she get out we bout to turn up" kd said. "Forreal" ben said. "She a real g" boomer said. They all laughed and nodded there heads.
Kaylani POV
Today I'm getting out and I'm so happy because I get to see my babies. Also the gang and nisha and trell. I miss him so much. "Kaylani you are free to go" the cop said. They gave me my old clothes I but them on then walked out. When I walked out I saw all of them there waiting for me. "Bestfrannnn" nisha said running to me. "Bessstt" I said then she jumped on me. I put her down and the whole gang came to me and hugged me. After that I Kayden ran to me. I dropped all my stuff and picked him up and hugged him tight. "Mommy I miss you" he said. I started crying. "Where your brother at" I asked him.

"He standing behind daddy he scared" draco said. I walked to Trell and went behind him and picked him up. "Hey baby" I said then kissed his cheek. Then he started crying. "Daddy I wan mommy" he cried reaching for Trell. "Mommy?" I asked him. Then I gave him to Trell.

Trell put him down and hugged me tight and I saw him starting to cry. "I missed you so much" I said to him starting to cry too. Then I tried to kiss him and he moved his head. I broke out of the hug and looked at him with a confused face. "Why you'n wanna kiss me and why is my baby sayin he wan his mom" I asked him. "Because.....I gotta new girlfriend and I tell him all the time not to call her mom but he still do" he said. "A new girlfriend" I said getting watery eyed. "Yeah mommy and we got a broder" draco said. "Oh you do" I said looking at Trell.

"I walked away from his and grabbed and Kayden and king hand but king snatched his hand and ran to Trell crying. "Yo Stop that's yo mom like I said then one you talk to on the phone" Trell said. "Forreal" king said. Then he ran to me and hugged me tight. "Oh hey mommy" he said. I smiled hugging him back. "I just wanna go home can y'all take me to ma house" I said. We got in the car and we drove to my house and I got out and took Kayden and king in with me and everybody else walked in too. I walked in and everything was the same only king had a bed instead of a crib. I just went upstairs and got in the shower.

I got out and put on some booty shirt with rips and I put on a white tank top. I went down stairs. "So where we going to turn up" kd said. "The strip club" ben said. I just laughed at sat down. "Lani you down" boomer said. "Yea but first I gotta go see Trell mama" I said. Trell was just quiet sitting some cushions down from me.

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