Chapter 4

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Kaylani POV
I woke up and I didn't see Trell so I went downstairs and everybody was up. "Where Trell at" I asked. "He outside talking to Ja-" kd said but he was cut off by ben smacking him in the back of his head. "Damn I forgot don't hit me slat" kd said To ben. "Outside talking to who" I said sternly and loud. "Nobody" ben said. I started walking toward the door and ben stood in front of it. "Please move ben" I said calmly. "Nah wait till he come back in here" he said. "Ben get the" I said calmly again. "Ok I'm not in this" ben said then moved and walked to the living room.

I opened the door and him and Jaliyah was sitting in his car laughing and talking the window was up. I was standing in the door way then I started laughing. "What's funny" three said. I shook my head and walked outside to his car and knocked on the window. Trell seen me and got wide eyed and put the windows down. "Can you take me to get my kids" I said calmly.

"Ya car right there" Jaliyah said. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Thank you Kentrell" I said then fake smiled and went back in the house. I went in the house and everybody was looking at me. I walked in and was breathing heavy and my leg was shaking. I was trying so hard not to cry. Nisha came over to me and hugged me. "Lani calm down" nisha said. I started to calm down and I grabbed my keys.

"Where you going" nisha asked. "To pick up my kids" I said and my eyes was getting watery but I was holding in the tears. I walked outside and he was still sitting in the car with her. I shook my head and then got in my truck and drove to his mama house. I went in. "Hey mama" I said hugging her. "Why you look like you bout to cry" she said. "It's Kentrell" I said sitting on couch. "What happened what he do" she said shaking her head.

"I woke up and went downstairs he wasn't down there so I went outside and he was sitting the car with Jaliyah laughing and talking but it's ok it's no that serious" I said. "Mommmyyyy" draco said running to me. "Hey Draco" I said. "I came here to get them where king at" I asked her. "You sure I was gon take them somewhere today we'll not king he too little me and my friend got a grandson the same age" she said. "Ok you can keep him" I said getting king from the other couch.

I put him in the car seat. "Ok bye mama" I said walking out the door. "Bye baby" she said. Then I walked out the door and put him in the car and buckled him up and drove back to Trell house. I parked the car and turned the car and got king out and carried him in the house. I opened the door and Jaliyah was in there sitting next to Trell on the couch. Everybody looked at me except him and her. "Hey lani" nisha said. "Hey" I said then I carried King's car seat to the living room at sat down next to Trell on purpose. I started staring at him.

"Why" I asked Trell. Everybody started looking at me. "Why Trell" I said getting watery eyed. He just got silent. I took king out of his car seat and started holding him. Then I started watching the movie with him. Then tears start falling down my face but I wasn't making any noise.

Somebody knocked at the door and ben answered it. It was Aubrey and she just walked in. "Trell can we talk" she said. "What the fuck is going on witchu Trell" I yelled at him. "Ion know why she here" he said the he pushed her outside and locked the door. Then we all started watching tv again. "Ok we not bout to sit here and act like this shit anit happening,..and bitch you better not say nothing to me I will beat the fuck outta you like I did the last time I saw you" I said. She just sat there quiet.

"Lani come in my room so we can talk" Trell said pulling my arm. "Nooo Trell..why is she here" I said crying and sniffling. "We not dating so Ian think it mattered" Trell said. "You didn't think it will matter really Trell" I said. "No" he said. I handed king to nisha and then started punching Trell. "Why do you continue to hurt meee" I said crying. Then he started hugging me.

Then I woke up and realized it was just a dream. "Lani what's wrong" Trell said seeing me jump up. "It was just a bad dream" I said. Then he lifted up and start hugging me. Then Trell phone started ringing I looked at it and it was Jaliyah. "Why is she calling you and why do you have her number" I said. "Ion know and I never deleted it. "Answer it and out it on speaker" I said.

He did. "Hello" I miss you Trell when you gon comeback to me "why you calling my phone Jaliyah" I want you to come over I'm horny. Then he hung up on her. "You going" I asked him. "No why would I go" he said with an annoyed face. "Because she hornyyy" I said laughing. "I got somebody right here" he said kissing me. I laughed then I kissed him back and he pulled me on top of his not breaking the kiss. The he slid off my shirt and my shorts and he flipped me over.
Then he slid my panties off and stuck his finger inside of me and start fingering me. I started moaning and the his took off his boxers. Then slid inside me and he started off slow and the got faster and faster. The he stopped and got up. "Come back Whatchu doing" I said. "Leaving You hornet he said the out his boxers back on and his shorts. "No come back Trell stop playing" I said whining.

He laughed the walked out the room.i was so mad I just got dressed and went down stairs with a mug on my face. "Damn lani Who pissed you off" nisha said. Trell started laughing. "She mad because I left ha wanting somo dick" Trell said laughing. I threw a pillow at him and everybody started laughing.

"I'm bout to go to the studio" Trell said. "Why so early" I asked him. "Because I have too I can't keep immigrants late" he said. "What time we going" ben said. "Right now" he said. "Lani you going" Trell said. "Nah I'm tired I'm bout to take a shower then go back to sleep" I said. "Nisha you going" I asked her. "Yeah girl I'm bored" she said. I nodded then they all left out.

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