Chapter 12

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Kentrell POV
We in the car going home now. "Aye play my favorite yb song so I can sing it to ma girl" ben said. Montana already knew what he was talking bout he was talking bout you the one on. Then it started playing so I starting singing it to lani while ben was singing it to nisha and everybody else was singing it out loud.

"You the on that I want in my life yeah, you the one that I want in my sight yeah" I sang to her. A few second later she tears start falling down her face and she put her bed on my chest. "Why you cryin" I asked her lowly. "You never sung that to me I...I only saw you singing it to other people" she said. I wiped her tears off her face. Then I kissed her and finished singing the song to her. We finally pulled up and I opened the door the helped her out and we all walked inside the house. Me and lani went upstairs and she just took off her laced dress and layed down in her bed.

I went over to her dresser and took off my chains watches and rings and set them down. Then I took off my shirt and pants and I got in the bed next to her and pulled her close to me. "Trell" she said lowly without turning her head. "Huh" I said. "Do you want me to move back with you" she said lowly. "Yeah but if you'n want to you don't have to" I said. "I do's best for the kids" she said. "Ok...... but I have to tell you something" I said. "Layla wanted to go get another dna test somewhere else and at first Ian want to but I did and it came back that I was the dad and then we went to another hospital and it came back that I was the dad too" I said quickly. "Me and her not together but I still Get kamari I just wanted to tell you so you won't be surprised to see him. For a few minutes she anit day nun.

"So you not mad at her anymore because now you know she didn't cheat" she said turning around. "Whatchu mean" I said. "So....she's back in your life" she said. "We only y'all if it's about kamari" I said. "Oh" she said lowly. Then I started tubbing on her butt and kissing her on her neck. "Uh Uh Stop I know what many tryna do and I said no" she laughing and moving away. "Lemme let me" I said. "Nah slat" She said. "Stop talking like me" I said. She just laughed. The I stayed pulling on her panties. "Stawwwwp Trell" she said. "Nahh  you'n want me to if you sayin it like dat" I said smiling. Then I hurried and pulled them off. "Noooo trelll" She whined. "Come'on just let me" i said looking her in her eyes. She shook her head no and closed her legs tight.

"You wanna get beat with the belt like I did you last time" I said smirking. "You not gon touch me with nothin or im smacking faces and that's a promise" she said sternly. "Opens ya legs then" I said. "Can we not tonight Trell I just wanna cuddle and fall asleep" she whined. I sighed. "Ok anything for my baby" I said. Then she smiled and I gave her back her panties. She put the back on and for the rest of the night we cuddled watched tv and the fell asleep.
The next day.....

Kaylani POV
We all packing right now because we bout to leave and go back to Baton Rouge. I'm just visiting I decided to just go. The kids are already dressed and so is everyone else. Me and Kentrell finished packing the bags. We went down stairs and set them down. "Y'all ready now y'all assess took forever" nisha said. "Shut up" we both said. Then we got up and we all got in the car and put the bags in too. I buckled the kids in and then put my seatbelt on. Then we started driving and we stopped at a few convenient stores on the way. We had finally got there the kids was sleep. We pulled up to Trell house and put the bags in and I took the kids upstairs and then came back downstairs. "I'm so ducking tired" I said yawning and sitting next to Trell. "Come sit on my lap" he said. "Nah g we anit together" I told him playfully hitting him. "We bout to be watch" he said. "No we not" I said.

"Yes y'all is watch by the end of this week" kd said. I just shook me head. We started watching a movie then we heard a knock at the door about an 1 hour later. "Y'all expecting company" Trell asked. "No" everybody said. Then he got up and answered the door. I looked and it was Layla with kamari. Everybody except me got up and went to go be nosey. "Hey I just brought him and I gotta tell you something too" she said. "Hey wassup Layla" the boys said.

"What you gotta tell me" Trell said. "Private" She said looking at the whole gang. He sighed, "y'all get y'all mosey asses over there" Trell said. They all walked back into the livingroom and they stepped outside. They were out there for a while then he came back in and I guess she left. He sat back next to me tryna be all up on me. "What she tell you" I asked him. "Damn you nosey" he said laughing. "I know.. now what she said" I asked him. He shrugged then looked like he didn't wanna say it. "Come on and just tell me" I asked him. He moved away from me and then opened his mouth to say something.

"She said that she.......pre......pregnant" he said softly. "WHAT" I yelled at him. Everybody was just shocked. "What we not together you can't be mad" Trell said. "Yes I I can't just forget it but this me and you thing I was gonna try to work out is over" I told him standing up. I felt tears come to my eyes. "I'm sorry lani Forreal I didn't know" he said. "Of course you didn't but it's ok kentrell" I said the tears started coming down my face. I went upstairs and laid in the bed.

Kentrell POV
"Can you go get her nisha" I asked him. "NO let her think and get time alone" nisha yelled at me. "Come on just go get her me and her need to talk" I told her. "NO I'm tired of seeing my bestfriend cry ever since the day we seen y'all she's had been crying over you..I don't like seeing her cry ...she need to leave yo ass alone..if I was her you woulda been gon or I woulda been gon...ion know she just dumb for staying with a guy that keeps making her cry" nisha said. I sighed then just forgot about going to talk to her so I can let her rest.

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