Chapter 18

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Kaylani POV
"Ok bet" ben said then we all got in a circle. "Ok just tell the truth or plead the fifth" Montana said. We all nodded and started around. "Ok who first asking" Montana said. "Me" kd said. "Ok ben is it true that Nisha don't
want kids but you do" kd said. "Yeah" ben said then Nisha chuckled a little. "Ok it ma turn..lani is it true that I'm your new bestfriend and yb not anymore" boomer said laughing. "Yesss" I said laughing. Trell just mugged me. "Ok my turn..kd does big ears run in ya family" nisha said. Everybody started cracking up. Ben was rolling on the ground and 3 was slapping his chest and his leg. "I plead the fifth" kd said lowly but irritated. "3 did you evey have a crush on nisha or lani" joe asked. "Used to when nisha used to look good back then but not lani she was always seen to me as a sister" 3 said. "Used to be nigga I'm still bad" nisha said. "Ok ben would you ever get nisha pregnant on purpose just becauseyou want trap her" I asked him.

"No i wouldnt do that because she doesn't deserve it ." Nisha said. "Ok lani why don't you get a job and stop living off of me being a fucking bum" Trell asked chuckling . "Uhhh I know you anit just call me no bum" I said and looked him. "But anyway I cant get any job because they dont wanna nobody wants to hire a girl that has two aggravated assault charges and I have a whole 1st degree murder charge because of you and I got charge with man slaughter" I said looking at him irritated. "Damn sis you like that ima get you to fuck up all the butches that act up" 3 said. "Ok I quit let's play a game and all you gotta do is say something to everybody that you've always wanted to say to them" Montana said. "Ok" we all said. "Ok lani you first" kd said. "Why I gotta go first nisha you first" I said laughing.

"Ok but you next" nisha said. "Ok ben..I've always had a crush on you..three.. I used to have a crush on you annoying as fuck sometimes...kentrell...I don't like you and you probably know why black as but hey brother I missed you..joe..I used to hate you when we were younger but I don't now..and Montana you a good brother too" nisha said then everybody laughed. "Why you'n like me" Trell said. "Because of what you did to lani but it's ya turn lani" nisha said. Trellmjust shook his head and looked down. "Ok nisha you already know you my bestfriend and I love you so fucking much....boomer you too big head asss...ben you my brother and sometimes you be acting like My dad funny as hell when you and nisha argue..Kentrell..I love you and you make me happy but you really FUCKED up my life foreal but you know everything happens for some reason I just wanna know what this opportunity gonna be...joe you my brother to but you need to stop being so ugly...Montana you cool as fuck and you my brother too" I said then sat down. "I fucked yo ya life" Trell said.

"Yeah you know you did but I still love you though" I said. "I love you too but how I fuck up you life everything you do was your choice" he said. "Yeah I know it was all my choices but before I reunited with you I wasn't turning to kill myself over you..I never went to jail before..I never even killed someone let alone held a gun before...I wasn't planning on having three kids I've always said one and I even told you that..I would've had a job...but if I didn't meet you I wouldn't have my babies so I'm thankful for that and I wouldn't be getting married either so I happy for that too..and most of all I wouldn't have seen y'all niggas" I said thenat the end I smiled. "Yeah I'm thankful you fucked yo her life yb" ben said. I looked at him with a scrunched up face. "Not like that I wouldn't have known my girl or you or my nephews would be here" ben said. I smiled a little and shook my head nisha did too. "Babe go get the kids from upstairs so they can eat" I told Trell. "Ok" he did then he got up and went to go get them. He carried them down here and set them in between me and him and the were laying on both of us.

"Bae Whatchu think we havin" I asked him. "Ok boy" he said. "Me too but I feel like it's bout to be a girl..if it is she will be special because you can't make girls obviously" I said. "Thats what I told them she will be special" Trell said. I smiled at him the pecked his lips. "Yo how many months in layla" kd asked. "Bout yo be 9 months in two days" I said. "Damn you boutta have ya baby like this week" ben said. "Yeah" Trell said the rubbed a hand down my face. "A nigga 18 and got 5 kids already" kd said. "Yup his pull out game weak obviously" joe said. "My pull out game not weak" he said. "Nigga yes it is you got five kids" ben said. "I got lani pregnant on purpose and this time I did so she won't leave me because she so emotional when she pregnant so they were all planned By me..kamari was planned when me and Layla was together. Just the new baby wasn't planned now that you can call weak but all the rest I wanted to get them pregnant" Trell said. "So best you let him trap you every time" boomer said. "It is what it is when the dick good" I said shrugging. Everybody started laughing. "Stop talking like that in front of my nephews" nisha spat. "Oh shut I forgot they were in here" I said.

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