Chapter 3

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Kaylani POV
"Ma'am you can go home now, and here are your pain pills for any pain you have" the doctor came in and said. "Ok" I said. "And is this your boyfriend or brother" the doctor. "My kids father" I said the looked at Trell out the corner of my eyes. "You live together, if not you will need someone to help you because it might hurt for you to walk right now" the doctor said. "Yeah she'll stay with me" Trell said. "No I'll be staying at my house and my best friend and her boyfriend can help me" I said. "Ok you should be able to walk tomorrow though" the doctor said then left the room.

"So you not go stay wit me" Trell said. I just looked at him. "You just threw me on the concrete and yelled at me taking up for that bitch" I said sternly looking into his eyes. "I said I'm sorry" he said. "Yeah And I forgive you but we can't act like it never happened" I said. "Yes we can we came put all the past behind us" he said. I nodded. I tried to stand up but I fell back on the bed because it hurried so bad. I started crying. "I'm ready to go home I'll go your house but I'm sleeping in the guest room" I said. He nodded and put me in the wheel chair.

Then he rolled me out the room and I saw the whole gang in the waiting room. They all ran to me and nisha eyes were blood shot red and she started hugging me. I hugged her back and hugged everybody else. Then Trell rolled me to his car and put me in there and put the wheel chair in the trunk. We pulled up to his house he carried me inside and upstairs. He passed the guest room and took me to his room. "Trell no I told you no" I said. "Ion care you need to be in the bed with me tonight not by yourself" he said. "Take me to the other room now" I said sternly. He shook his head I sighed and he set me on his bed.

"I need you to help me take of my pants" I told him. He started smiling and helped me. Then he start rubbing on my thighs. "No Trell it hurts" I said with watery eyes. "Ok" he said. Then he took off my shirt and gave me one of his big shirts. I put it on then laid down and he was about to walk out the room. "Trell can you come lay with me" I said softly. He nodded and then got in the bed with me and held me tight.
The next day....

Kaylani POV
I woke up to Trell tapping me. "Lani wake up" he said. "Hmm" I said sleepily. "We bout go to the studio so I have Getchu dressed" he said. "Ion wan gon" I said closing my eyes back. "You gotta go and Nisha brought you some clothes to wear" he said. I stood up because I wasn't hurting anymore.

I got in the shower and did my hygiene and got dressed. Then I did my hair and then put my shoes on. "Wea my kids at" I said. "Downstairs with Aubrey" he said. "I know damn well you anit just say no fucking Aubrey" I said. He just started laughing. "I'm playing king in his bouncer and Kayden eating" he said still laughing. "You love fucking with me don't chu" I said. "Yeah because you my luh baby" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Oh I am" I said smiling. He nodded and put his forehead against mines. And we both smiled looking at each other.

Then he let go and I walked downstairs. "Mommy" draco said. "Hey baby" I said then kissed him. Then I went over to king and picked him up and start playing with him. "Y'all ready" Trell said. "Where the kids going" I asked him. "With us" he said. "No the fuck they not y'all be all smoking in baby not bout to be round dat" I said. "Well they can go to my mama house" he said. I nodded and put king in his car seat.

I grabbed king and Trell grabbed the diaper baby and Kayden. Then we walked outside and he locked the doors. I bucked both of the up and got in the front seat. Then Trell got in and put the diaper bag in the back. We pulled up to her house and trell took them in. Then he came back out and we drove to the studio. We got out the car and he grabbed my hand and we walked in together.

"Y'all finally made up" boomer said. "Somewhat" I said. "Wea my nephews at" ben said. "They with Trell mama" I said then sat on the couch. Then he recorded his song like me and one called highway. "That last song go hard yb" joe said. "Right" boomer said. I was just on my phone They I started recording him. I posted on my insta snap.

"It's food in the other room" ben said. I got up and walked out and went in there. I got some chicken, cake, pasta salad, rice, ice cream and grabbed a soda. Yes I know I'm eating like a pregnant person or a fat person 🤦🏽‍♀️😂. I came back in there and everybody was staring at me. "What" I said.

"You anit pregnant again is you" nisha asked playfully. "Shut up I'm hungry" I said. Then I sat down eating my food. Then trell came over tryna help me. "Move nigga is some more in there" I said with an attitude. Then he stole a piece of chick and took some of my ice cream.

Then he almost tripped while he was laughing. "That's what yo ass get for stealing my shit" I said laughing at him. He just mugged me. When we all got done eating it was time to go so we all left and went to Trell house. "I wanna do something we always sitting in the house" three said. "We can go laser tag or paint balling" ben said. "You always wanna do something that has to do with guns" nisha said hitting him. "Well all do" boomer said then all the boys laughed.

"So which one y'all wanna do" Trell said. "Laser tag because we already went paintballing before" I said. Everybody nodded. Let's go then" Trell said. We all got in his truck and drove there. We got out and went to pay. "Ok and what are the teams" nisha said she had to tell the people. "Me, boomer, kd, and Montana are a team and trell, you, ben, lani, three are a team" joe said. We all nodded and put the equipment on. Then we went in and started playing. When we got done our team one.

After laser tag we went back to Trell house. "Y'all cheated" boomer said. "No we didn't it was a fair game and your team mate the one who chose the teams" nisha said. "Yea and we shoulda betted on it too because we woulda had big money" ben said. Then everybody started laughing.

"We should go to Walmart and get some nerf guns and play with them since it's dark now" kd said. Everybody nodded and got up to get in the truck. We went to Walmart and we all got our own guns and the paid for them. "There is no teams either" ben said. We was getting in the car. We got in the house and everybody opened there guns and loaded them then turned off the lights.

"Y'all ready" Trell said. Everybody said yes them we all went to go hide. We was all shooting each other and having fun. Then we heard a girl scream. "What happened nisha" I said. "That was kd I accidentally hit him in the eye" nisha said. Then We all started laughing we eventually stop and ordered some pizza and wings.

We ate then everybody went to sleep.

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