Chapter 23

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The next day.....
Kaylani POV
I woke up to some girl screaming. I looked and it was Layla. She tried to come over to me and hit me but I moved and the shook Kentrell. "Get her" I told him. "Layla calm down" he yelled at her. "You know what nigga have her you want her so bad have her and fuck you and I wasn't even pregnant I just lied to yo ass you dumb fuck" she yelled and tried to walk out the room. "No I'm sorry come on Layla stop" he said grabbing her waist. I stood there just shaking my head at them. "Why the fuck are you in the bed with her in your drawls" she yelled. "Ion kno I'm sorry" he said shrugging. "I'm leaving you got 5 minutes to get ready so we can leave because we gotta talk" she said. "Ok" he said then she walked out. I didn't really think he was gonna leave until he started putting in his clothes. I started to tear up. He put on his pants the his socks and his shirt. He was bout to walk out but I hurried and grabbed his arm. "What the fuck you doin lani let go" he said then sighed. " because I just expressed my feeling to you and told you how I felt and you told me that we were gonna be're not elvaing me looking dumb" I said then dropped to the ground still holding his hand. He tried to pulled away but I pulled harder. "No please Trell don't leave me again" I cried. "I'm sorry baby I gotta go" he said. "No you are not leaving me" I said then pulled him in the room and started kissing him. He started kissing me back. "I gotta go" he said checking the time. I hurried and grabbed my gun and went to the door and closed it. "If you leave I'm killing myself" I told him. "Man lani stop playing come on and move" he said. "You know what leave I got doms a nice dude who will do everything you can fuck you bitch" I said then moved. "It's never gon be fuck you anymore but I love you" he said then walked out the house.

I dropped to the floor crying. Then I got up and saw the kids were still sleep so I called doms and told him to come over. I made breakfast and I woke the kids up. I fed the baby a bottle and gave king and Kayden their plates. While I was feeding the baby I heard a knock on the door. Still holding the baby I went to go answer it and it was doms. "Hey doms" I said smiling and stepping out of the way so he could walk in. "Wassup lani" he said and smiled back and bit his lip. I closed the door and he went to the couch. "Wassup draco and king" he said. "Hey" the said still eating. I sat on the couch. "Wassup" he said. "I wanna talk to you but I gotta wait till the kids get done to go upstairs" I told him. "Ok ya house is nice to" he said looking around. "Thank you" I said smiling. "You always smiling wit yo fine ass" he said smiling back. I just laughed a little and finished feeding the baby.

"We done mommy" they said. "Ok hold on..can you hold her real quick" I asked doms. "Fasho" he said then I gave her to him. I went in the kitchen and washed their hands and their dishes. Then I wiped the table and the chairs. "Ok y'all go play in y'all room" I told them. "Ok mommy" they said and ran upstairs. I sat back on the couch and grabbed kind. "So wassup" he said. "I just wanna talk to you about us" I said. "Ok what" he said. "Ok I just want to say I know you like me so if we were to be together I don't want to be hurt so if you know that you might just don't even try please" I said sincerely. "I'm not I promise want happened to you and yb why y'all not together" he said. "Do you promise you won't tell anyone" I told him. "I promise it must be and if you sayin dat" he said the last part lowly. "It's is you want the long story or the short story" I asked him.

"The short story I guess" he said. "He disrespected me....he cheated on me....he left me when I was always down with him....he called me out of my name all the time..and he..beat me" I said the last one low. "He but you" he said shocked. "Yeah a lot of time but I always stayed because my dumb ass couldn't live with out him he was my first love and my bestfriend since we were little" I said. "Ohh...but look at you no you living with out him" he said smiling. "I know right I realized that now" I said smiling back. "But friends for now" I said. "Fasho" he said. We started watching tv. "I'm bout to go get dressed can you hold her" I asked him. He nodded and I gave her to him and went upstairs. I got dressed the did my hair and makeup. Then I came back downstairs.

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