Chapter 16

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Kentrell POV
I just woke up and lani is still in my arms. "Lani wake up" I said in a tired voice. "Hmm" she said still halfway sleep. "Wake up we gon go out to eat for breakfeast" I told her. "Really..OK" she said then jumped up and went into the bathroom. I just smiled and watched her go in the bathroom. I heard the shower on so I knew she was in the shower. When she got out I got in. Then we both got dressed. "I'm ready bae" lani said. "Ok come on" I told her grabbing my phone. Then we walked out the door and I locked the door then went to her side and opened the door for her then shut it. Then I got in and started driving. "Bae after I wanna go get my kids because I miss them" lani said. "Me too" I told her then smiled at her. We finally pulled up to Waffle House. We got out and walked in and they gave us a table and our menus. "Whatchu gettin" I asked her. "Prolly pancakes, and bacon and grits" she said. "Oh ima get the same thing" I said. Then a few seconds later two girls came up to our table. "Oh my gosh are you nbayoungboy" they said. "Yeah wasshanin" I said smiling. "Can we get a picture with you" one of them said.

I saw lani smiling anvthen she nodded. I got up and the asked their mom to take the picture. "You too aren't you Kaylani" one of them said to lani. "Yeah" lani said then got up and got in the picture. She took the picture. "Thank you" they said. "No problem" I said then we sat back down and they left. We ordered our food then the waiter brought us the food. We started eating. "You not gon leave me nomo is you" I asked her. "No..are you gonna leave me" she said smiling. "Never" I said the grabbed her hand. We finished eating and talking then we got done and paid and I left her a tip then we got in the car.

We pulled up to my mom house then got out and went in. "Hey mama" I told my mom hugging her. "Hey baby..Hey lani" She said hugging me then lani. "Hey mama" lani said hugging her smiling. "Mommmy!!!! Dadaaa!!!" the kids said running up o is hugging us. "Heyyyy baby I miss you so much" lani said hugging the kissing them. "Hey Draco..hey K" I told the hugging them. "Go getchall shoes" lani said. Then they ran and got their shoes. "So y'all back together" mama said. "Yeah" lani said sighing and smiling. "Y'all don't know how to leave each other alone do y'all" mama said laughing. "Nahh" I said laughing. "That's good tho it's bout time y'all stop playing around" mama said.

We talked a little bit more then we left and got in the car. We drove back to ben and then house where errbody was at. We pulled up then we got out. I knocked and then they let us in. "Wassup y'all we missed y'all" they all said hugging the kids. We sat down and I had my arm arm lani and she was close to me. Every body start look at us confused and smirking. "Y'all together" nisha asked. "Yeahhh" lani said smiling. "Finally" ben said. "Lani now why would you do that" nisha said. "What" lani said catching an attitude. "He just fucking beat he and now you with this just so fucking stupid" nisha said to lmao sling her head. Everybody got quiet I was bout to say something but lani did before me. "Fuck you and whoever got something to say bout my and him this is our business" lani said. "Do you" nisha said waving her off. For the rest of the day we just sat watching tv and talking.

"Y'all let's go somewhere I'm bored" kd said. "Where it gotta be somewhere the kids can go to" I said. "Out to eat" kd said. We all agreed and got up and got the kids and went to a restaurant. We went in and started eating. Then after we were done eating we got up and paid and left tips. Nisha had king and mianna had Kayden. Me and lani we're walking out together. I had my arm rapped around her and she had hers on me. We got in the car and drove back to the house. Then we got out then went in. We all sat down and started talking.

Kaylani POV
"Y'all has sex when y'all left" ben said laughing. "Yuppp niggaaaa" Trell said laughing. Then everybody started laughing I just shook my head smirking. "Guess What Else she did for the first time" Trell said. I looked at Trell with a you better fucking not face. "What she do" everybody said laughing. "Nooo Trell you better not" I said whining. Trell looked at me then smirked. "She gave me some head" Trell said laughing. I slapped him hard. Everybody started laughing and I was so embarrassed. "She never gave you head before" three said. "Nahh and I anit Make her either it was her idea" Trell said. "Lani why you anit been do it" kd said. "Ion kno I always thought it was nasty" I said I baking him off. "And you stayed yb she must have some good pussy" Montana said. "She do its bomb" Trell said. "I'm right here you kno" I did to him. " I kno Trell" said licking lips at me.

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