Chapter 24

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The following morning, Jay slowly fluttered his eyes open before yawning a tired yawn. Once he glanced down to see that Michelle was still fast asleep on his lap, he turned his head to look around the Hospital room. The quietness and the faded white walls made the atmosphere seem more cold and dreary, despite the sunlight peaking through the dimmed curtains.

He shut his eyes back up again and leaned back on his seat as he began to reminisce about everything that's happened for the past several months. There was never a time in his life that he thought he would ever become so emotional and vulnerable. He had always kept up a hard exterior, ever since he was young, and he couldn't believe how much he's changed during these months. He opened his eyes again moments later to peer down at Michelle, with a small smile slowly creeping up on the corners of his lips as he gazed at her sleeping face. Her beauty was truly beyond anything he's ever seen.

"I see you're awake" he heard a voice say, and he quickly snapped his head back up to see Natalie looking over in their direction. She slowly pushed her head up to smile at him, and unlike before, he finally noticed the ultimate pain and despair that lied behind a simple smile. She was so much like his Father; who pretended that everything was okay on the outside previously in the past, but on the inside it was a whole different story.

Jay paused to gape at her from across the room not saying anything for a brief while. "You know I used to wanna kill myself too... but I realised that once you do it you're gone for good, and there's never coming back" he muttered quietly, causing her smile to slowly disappear.

"Please don't talk like you understand me, Jay... you're dad's a millionaire and you're just a rich kid, you have no idea what I've been threw" she said in a low voice, whilst rapidly quivering her lips.

Jay rolled his eyes away and removed his hat from his head before speaking up. "I've gone through problems of my own and the fact that my Dad has a lot of money doesn't mean shit to me" he said, whilst clenching his jaw tightly. "There are people who's been through worse than you, Michelle grew up dirt poor with no parents but you don't see her-

"I am not Michelle okay, I don't have the strength that she does!" Natalie uttered sternly quickly cutting him off his sentence, as Michelle began to slowly move her head on Jay's lap. "When I took those drugs I hoped that I wouldn't wake up in a Hospital, I hoped that I wouldn't wake up at all".

"How could you say something so fucking selfish?" Jay hissed, slowly cocking his head to the side. "Michelle cried for hours and blamed herself because she didn't know what was happening with you. She thought that she had lost her best friend, and I bet you would still try and take the easy way out and kill yourself again, wouldn't you?... and I thought I was fucked up" he muttered the last bit, causing her to slowly lower her head.

They sat in complete silence for the next several minutes with the busy Hospital sounds occurring out the hall and echoing into the room. Michelle; who had been fast asleep, finally awoke seconds later. She looked up at Jay who gazed up at the ceiling for a brief moment, whilst grasping onto his jacket he had placed over her. Seconds later, he glanced down at her and smiled, and she quickly smiled back, before lifting her head up from his

"Morning" she whispered, pushing her hair back, whilst rubbing her eyes. "Thanks for lending me your jacket, it was pretty cold here last night" she chuckled, before handing it back to him.

"No problem" he whispered, whilst staring deep into her eyes

Moments later, Michelle rotated her head to look at Natalie who laid her head down on her pillow, refusing to even look at her. She slowly got up from her seat before going over to sit beside Natalie on the bed. She stared down at her for several seconds as tears began to slowly appear in her eyes. No matter how she tried she couldn't get the image of her laying unconsciously on her bedroom floor, passed out from all the drug overdosing. Natalie could've died just like many other people who overdosed but she didn't, she woke up the next morning with a burning feeling in her chest, and as she finally looked up at Michelle and saw the despair and agony in her eyes, she couldn't help but allow the tears to continuously flow from her eyes.

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