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1. What A Time to be Alive

Roni Quinn

I woke this morning with a headache. I rolled over in my bed to check the time and it was almost noon. I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I let the water rain down on me waking my body up. I sometimes still think about what happened a few months ago. It changed me a lot but I haven't decided whether it was for good or bad yet. I'm just taking it one day at a time.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around before going to my closet and picking out some clothes. I got dressed in high rise capris, a white tube top, and a pair of black vans. I kept my hair in the crazy curly mess that it normally was and left my room. I grabbed my keys, wallet, the present I had, and Zeus and left my house. I got into my car and drove off to Lottie and Nasir's place. I let Zeus out of the car and we both went up to the front door. I knocked on the door and within a few seconds Lottie opened the door looking extra pregnant.

"Hey girl." Lottie said.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Come on in, everyone's inside." Lottie said letting me.

"Here you go." I said giving the present I had for Lottie.

"Roni, you didn't have to get me anything." Lottie said.

"Are you kidding? Of course I did. Lottie you're about to be a mother and I just wanted to give you something that will jumpstart your new life of motherhood." I said.

Lottie opened the gift and she almost cried. Hormones.

Inside was a few onesies and some cute socks. Lottie looked up at me and smiled. "Roni, thanks so much. I swear you are going to be the best godmother." Lottie said.

I smiled. "I know and you are going to be the best mother."
"So is it a boy or a girl?"

"What's the point of a gender reveal if you keep telling everyone? You're just gonna have to wait like everyone else." Lottie said.

"Wait who else is here?" I asked.

"Roe, Nasir, Shaun, Alex, and Dave." Lottie said.

My heart dropped for a second when Lottie said his name. Lottie looked at my face and knew. She knew better than anyone that things between Dave and I didn't end so well. So this would be the first time in a few months that I would be seeing him. I had to admit that I was really nervous.

"You ok?" Lottie asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. "Yea. I'm just a little surprised."

"Well you don't have to come in if you don't want too. I can just tell everyone you're not feeling well." Lottie said.

"No it's ok. This is not about me, this is about you and Nasir. I'm here for the both of you and your baby. I'll be fine." I explained.

"Ok." Lottie said.

I interlocked arms with Lottie and we both headed outside in the backyard where everyone was. Nasir was talking to Dave. Roe and Alex were getting along and Shaun was spending time with Anja who was too distracted by Zeus to even care. I exhaled heavily and just had to not look in his direction.

Dave East

Nasir and I were talking when I looked over to see Lottie and Veronica. I was surprised to see Veronica and I had to admit that she was looking beautiful as ever, she looked better than the last time I saw her. I looked away so she wouldn't catch me looking at her. Nasir raised an eyebrow at me and I just took a sip of my beer.

"What?" I asked.

"You should go say hi." Nasir said.

"Say hi? The fuck we in middle school?" I said.

"Come on bro, when was the last time you saw or spoke to her?" Nasir asked.

"It's been a minute." I said. "But she wouldn't want to talk to me anyways. The shit I did and said to her was fucked up and I don't think she'll even forgive me."

"You never know until you try." Nasir said.

"Fuck man. This fatherhood thing got you changing." I said.

"What can I say? When you meet the right girl, you got too." Nasir said.

"Speaking of the devil." I said taking a sip of my beer.

Lottie came over to us and kissed Nasir. "Babe you ready?" Lottie asked.

"Not really, but let's get this over with." Nasir said.

Nasir walked over to the middle of the backyard. There was this huge box with both pink and blue on it. Nasir was on one side and Lottie was on the other.

"Ok everyone on the count of three." Lottie said.


Both of them opened the box and a bunch of pink balloons came out. I smiled to myself and was really happy for them. The next thing I knew was that I locked eyes with Veronica and she quickly looked away. Damn she really hates me.

9:45 pm

Johnnie Kendrick

I was in the VIP room at a strip club called Haven getting a private show from some girl named Mystic or Mystical some shit like that. I was drinking some Henny enjoying myself. Suddenly I heard the door open and when I looked up some nigga came in. I stood up trying to figure what the fuck was going on cause he was ruining my fun.

"You Kendrick?" He asked.

"Who the fuck is you?" I asked.

"The last person you'll ever see." He said.

I was confused but then a shot was fired. I looked down at my stomach and I was shot. I dropped my bottle and fell to the floor. Everything around me was going black and I knew that this was it. This nigga stood over me, smiling in my face.

"Sweet dreams motherfucker."

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