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12. Need To Know

Roni Quinn

Marquez sighed and sat in the chair in front of me. "He killed my fiancée."

My eyes fluttered. "What?"

"You heard me. Your fucking boyfriend killed my fiancée. The love of my life." Marquez said.

"You're lying. Dave wouldn't do anything like that." I said.

"But he did!" Marquez yelled. "He was in Dre's gang and they were shooting and she was caught in the crossfire."

Marquez's facial expression changed. I could tell that he was really sad about what happened to her. But that didn't give him the right to hold me against my will.

"What was her name?" I asked curiously.

"Marissa." Marquez said. "Her name was Marissa."

"Look Marquez. I'm sorry about what happened to Marissa. But what would she think of you now. She would be disappointed." I said.

Marquez stood up from his chair and took out a gun. He pointed the gun at me and cocked it back. My heart began to pound really fast.

"You don't know shit! You think I'm the only one who wants Dave dead. He's hurt a lot of people and I promise you... you'll be one of them." Marquez said.

Marquez put the gun down and stormed out of the room. I exhaled heavily as I tried to figure what to do next. I really hope that Dave was looking for me. I really hoped.

Dave East

"Three... two... one!"

We busted down the door of one of the warehouses that seemed abandoned. Tyrell, Uncle, Nasir, and I entered the warehouse. It was quiet but we checked the place out  anyway. She had to be here.

"Anything?" I yelled.

"Nah!" Uncle yelled.

"It's clear up here, bro." Nasir said.

"Tyrell! You got something?" I said.

"No!" Tyrell said.

"Shit!" I said.

"You're not gonna find her."

I looked up and saw Wayne coming from the shadows. What the ruck was going here?

"What the fuck?" Nasir questioned.

"Wayne?" Uncle said. "What are you doing here?"

Wayne smirked. "Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"You motherfucker!" I said. "You're working with Marquez."

"Surprise." Wayne said.

I went over to Wayne and punched him in the face. I grabbed and pushed him against the wall. I out the gun to his chest,

"Where is Veronica?" I asked.

"Somewhere you'll never find without me." Wayne said.

The Beast: Unfinished Business ( Dave East )Where stories live. Discover now