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35. The Final Stand 

Dave East

Here I was again. Back to where it all started. Back to where the monster in me was created. San Miguel de Allende the place where drugs, money, women, and sex make a nigga do some crazy shit. My memories of this place filled my head as I looked out the window and saw some of the familiar places I used to go back in the day. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I looked over at Nasir who was in the driver's seat. I was surprised that he even wanted to come back here after the bad shit that happened years ago.

"Yea. This shit has to stop right here and now Nas. Lauren's gone too far." I said.

"You know she won't go down without a fight." Nasir said.

"I'm counting on it." I said. 

Nasir pulled up to the house and there were no security in front. I didn't know if Lauren was being stupid or if that she just didn't a fuck. Nasir turned off the car lights and I took my phone and texted Shaun.

On your cue nephew. | Shaun ( 2:09 am ) 

"Let's do this." I said.

I grabbed the AK that was in the backseat and got out of the car with Nasir by my side and with Shaun and a few of his men behind us. We walked up to the front door and I kicked it down. A few of Lauren's guys turned their heads and were about to shoot us but we gunned them down first. As soon as shots were fired, we all split and hid to dodge the bullets. One by one Lauren's men went down, but it was gonna do any good unless I went to Lauren myself. When no one was looking I snuck off and went to go find Lauren. If I knew her as well as I did, she would've been in her office.

I took down some of her men as I made my way to her office. I peeked around the corner to make sure it was all clear and then I slowly opened the door to her office and Lauren was standing over Tyrell. A dead Tyrell. That nigga deserved what he got. Lauren fired three more shots and his brains started to scatter around. 

I held up the AK. "Drop the gun."

Lauren slowly turned around to face me and smirked. "Let me guess, you're here to talk." 

"No... I'm here to kill you." I said. 

Lauren raised her eyebrow. "Is that right?"

"Lauren you've gone too far and there's no going back to the person you used to be." I said. "You've become..."

"Become what? Ruthless? Savage? I was born to be this way!" Lauren said.

"No you weren't. No one is like this." I said. 

"Well it doesn't matter..." Lauren started as she held up her gun. "...Because I'm gonna get what I want and if I have to kill you to get it then so be it." 

I clenched my jaw and squeezed the trigger but before I was able to pull the trigger there was an explosion. I turned around and then saw a few of Lauren's henchmen coming at me. I ran down the hall to take some cover. 

"You didn't think it would be this easy to kill me did you?" Lauren yelled. "Oh and if I were you, I would call your precious Veronica, she might need you."

I was confused on what she meant by that but then I remembered what Tyrell said. Once Lauren realizes that I'm gone, she'll send her people after you. Lauren better had not sent people after Veronica.

"I'm gonna kill you Lauren!" I yelled. 

Lauren laughed. "Good luck with that." 

Suddenly bullets started to fly. I did my best to hide but I knew that I couldn't stay here forever. With my head still ducked down, I moved down another hallway where I found Nasir held up. I went over to him and helped him out.

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