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16. Changed

Roni Quinn

"You know you always looked good in black."

My body froze. I couldn't believe it after all this time that he was here. I slowly turned around and there he was, the devil himself.

"Dave." I said.

"Hello Veronica." Dave said.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked.

"Drinks. Women. The usual shit." Dave said.

"Oh. So you didn't know I would be here?" I questioned.

Dave scoffed as he came a little closer to me. The smell of his cologne intoxicated my nose. It was making my legs wobble. When Dave was close enough to me, he whispered in my ear.

"You'd think I'd follow you? Get over yourself." Dave said.

He walked away from me and headed back into the club. Soon Lottie came outside and she was surprised to see my face.

"Roni, you ok?" Lottie asked.

"Yea I'm fine." I said.

"What did he say to you?" Lottie asked.

"Nothing." I said. "But you were right about one thing though."

"What's that?" Lottie questioned.

"He's different. Different than before." I said.

The Next Day

Dave East

I was on the phone when I looked up and saw Tyrell. I hung up the phone and my attention towards Tyrell.

"Tyrell." I said.

"Boss." Tyrell said.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. When I got there, he was already gone. Someone must've tipped him off." Tyrell said.

"I know who tipped him off. But Violet I'd dead and I need to know where he is." I said.

"He's in the wind for now, so I'll get some contacts on the lookout for him." Tyrell said.

"Good." I said.

Before Tyrell and I could finish our conversation, I looked up and saw Nasir coming in. Tyrell left us as Nasir and I pulled each other in for a hug. It'd had been awhile since I've seen Nasir but we do talk on the phone almost every day.

"Wassup bro." Nasir said.

"It's good to see you." I said.

"You too. You weren't kidding when you said shit had changed." Nasir said. "You a boss now."

"Nah it's more than being a boss. I'm respected and feared. I'm protecting the people I care about." Dave said.

"Yea." Nasir said.

"Whatchu doing here Nas?" I questioned.

"Saturday is Kiana's birthday. Lottie and I are throwing her a close party." Nasir said.

"Ok so?" I said.

"So? Come on man, I want you to come. It would mean a lot to Lottie if you come." Nasir said.

"I don't know." I said.

"Really? Are you serious right now? This is my daughter's first birthday and I want her to know that she is loved from all angles. Is that too much to ask for the Great Dave to come to?" Nasir said.

The Beast: Unfinished Business ( Dave East )Where stories live. Discover now