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25. Happiness Interrupted

Present Day

Roni Quinn

Fiji was more than what I could ever describe, but it was time to head back to California. I was packing when I felt arms wrap around me. I smiled knowing who it was.

"You are just so addictive." Dave said kissing my neck. 

"Dave, stop. I'm trying to pack." I said.

"Oh come on, the plane doesn't leave til a few hours. Let's have a little bit of fun." Dave said.

"Dave..." I whined.

Dave didn't listen to me as he continued to kiss my neck. I fell into him and he knew what he was doing to me. I turned around and pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me in closer. We were making out for a while until my phone rang.  

"No, don't answer it." Dave pleaded.

"I have too." I said.

I pulled away from Dave and checked my phone to see who it was. I looked down at my phone and it was a text message from an unknown number. 

Your death will sooner than you think.

       He won't protect you. He won't save you.

               No one will. | Unknown ( 10:36 am )

I looked down at my phone with my heart dropping in my chest. I got worried. I've never received a death threat before but this for sure scared the shit out of me.

"Everything alright?" Dave asked.

I snapped from my thoughts. "What?" 

"You ok?" Dave repeated.

I turned off my phone. "Yea. Yea I'm fine." 

"Good. Now, where were we?" Dave asked.

He walked over to me and pressed his lips against mine. I put the thought of that message in the back of my head for the moment. I was worried.

Lauren Castillo

I sat down at my desk and looked over the product that was in front of me. My phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and answered. 

"Yea." I answered.

"I have them in my sights."

"Good." I said. "Kill her... on second thought, make him suffer." 

"Yes ma'am." 

I hung up the phone and continued looking at the product. A smile spread across my face. The pieces I had were finally being put together. I was getting what I wanted and it was just a matter of time. 

Dave East

Veronica and I left the airport and headed into the parking lot. We were walking and then glass cracked. I turned around and then bullets started flying all around me. 

"Get down!" I yelled.

Veronica and I took cover behind a few cars as the bullets kept flying I grabbed the glock I kept close to me and cocked it back. Without thinking, I fired some shots back and soon stopped I got up and was on high alert. I looked around to make sure the coast clear. But I looked up and saw that there was nobody there, even on the roofs. I turned around to see if Veronica was ok. But she wasn't.

"Veronica?" I said.

I went over to her and saw blood everywhere. I couldn't see where the blood was coming from but I didn't care. Her eyes closed which worried me. I picked Veronica up and carried her over to the car. I got into the driver's seat drove off to the hospital as fast as I could. 

"Veronica stay with me. Just stay with me." I pleaded.

Please let her be ok. Please. 

Two Hours Later...

Two fucking hours. I've been here and nobody hasn't told me shit. They told me that the doctors are doing what they can to save Veronica. That I should sit tight and be patient. 


I looked up and saw both Nasir and Lottie coming towards me. 

"What happened?" Lottie asked. 

"I don't know. We were coming back from the airport and then someone starting shooting at us." I explained. 

"Oh my god." Lottie said. "Are you ok?" 

"I'm fine. I'm just waiting for the doctors to tell me something." I said.

"Let me see if I can find something out." Lottie said. 

Lottie walked away leaving Nasir and I a few seconds to talk. 

"Nas, it was Lauren." I blurted.

"What? What are you talking about?" Nasir questioned. 

"Lauren, it was her. She was talking about getting rid of her competition to build her empire. She's after me and if she's after me..." I said.

"She's after me too." Nasir finished. "What do we do?" 

"I don't know. All I'm thinking about is making sure that Veronica is ok." I said.

"I get it man." Nasir said. 

"But you should get Lottie and Kiana safe. I'll give you a few of my guys." I said.

"Dave you're not going through this alone. Whatever you're gonna do, I'm coming with you. I know Lauren just as much as you do." Nasir pleaded.

Somehow I knew Nasir was right. But I didn't want anyone else getting hurt because of me. Especially Nasir after all the shit we've been through. I don't  know if I can live with that. 


"No whatever you're about to say, the answer is no. You are my best friend, we go through this together. Brothers in arms." Nasir said.

I smiled. "Brothers in arms." 

Later That Night

11:43 pm

Lauren Castillo

My contact told me that Veronica was still alive. I wanted to see myself what was so fucking special about her. I walked into the hospital and headed into the room Veronica was in. I opened the door and saw a sleeping Dave. I smirked a little and headed over to the bed. I looked down at her and was unimpressed. How could Dave choose her over me? What did she have that I didn't? I moved closer to her and even her smell was frustrating. 

"Step away from her." 

The sound of a cocked gun followed as I looked up to see Dave poinint his gun at me. I smirked knowing he wasn't going to shoot me. 

"Hello David." I said. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Dave asked. 

"I heard your side piece here was shot. I just wanted to know how she survived. I can see now the answer is you." I said.

"Did you?" 

"Yea. I was the one who put the hit on your little girlfriend." I admitted not feeling bad. 

"Why?" Dave asked.

"Because I can and it's fun watching you suffer." I smiled. 

"I should shoot you. I should kill you where you fucking stand." Dave said. 

"You could... but you're not." I said. 

"Why Lauren? What do you want?" Dave asked.

I smirked loving how much I'm hurting him. It doesn't come close to how much he hurt me. 

"You know what I want David. And if you don't give it to me, I'm gonna keep coming after you and Nasir and everyone you love" I said.

Dave said nothing and I just smiled. I walked away and left the hospital. I always get what I want. And I don't care who I have to go through to get it. 

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